Pray and participate in the battle for righteousness

Defending family, faith and freedom

The most encouraging news about President Zuma’s recent cabinet reshuffle is the removal of Andries Nel from the key portfolio of Deputy Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development.

Nel appeared to be championing “gay rights” in SA, while trampling on the beliefs and constitutional rights and freedoms of Bible believing Christians. He recently responded to lies and distortions in the liberal media and instructed the SA Human Rights Commission to investigate a Christian ministry.

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Andries Nel, who has sworn to uphold the constitutional rights of all SA citizens, declared that the Christian conviction that homosexuals can change is what promotes violence against them.

The SAHRC found Creare Training Centre “guilty of discrimination against homosexuals” based mainly on misleading and distorted media reports about the ministry’s alleged “homophobia.”

Nel completely ignored the fact that many homosexuals successfully change their orientation through the power of Jesus Christ. His allegation that the Church is responsible for violence against homosexuals is a blatant example of hate speech! His redeployment therefore is welcomed.

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The axing of Communications Minister, Dina Pule is also welcomed. I met with Ms Pule several times recently to discuss amending the Broadcasting Act to prohibit pornography on television.

However, just as we were making progress, reports emerged of corruption in the Department of Communications. With the Minister embroiled in allegations of corruption and mismanagement in her department, the work to protect the dignity of women and children in SA ground to a halt.

During this time ICASA shocked the nation when it contradicted its previous ruling and granted Top TV a license to broadcast three hard-core pornographic channels in South Africa.

Top TV – which is technically bankrupt – is apparently banking on the success of the porn channels to make the company profitable. However, Top TV’s new Chinese investor has not confirmed this.

Family Policy Institute in partnership with several Christian denominations and Church networks initiated a nationwide boycott of Top TV including its partners, sponsors and advertisers.

The Muslim Judicial Council also supports the nationwide boycott of Top TV, amongst many others.

There are mountains of research by reputable organisations indicating that easy access to pornography on the Internet and television has proven to be devastating to women and children.

Recent research also found that popular television programmes are targeting teen girls for sexual exploitation – which drives the demand for younger girls in sex trafficking rings.

FPI in partnership with the Christian Church will lead the fight against pornography on TV. We will intensify the boycott against Top TV, including retail partners distributing their decoders.

The Christian Church must also take a bold stand against decriminalised prostitution. This policy is proven to only empower pimps, brothels and crime syndicates who prey on vulnerable women.

These and other issues will be discussed at a meeting of senior Christian leaders in Pretoria soon. Please remember to pray and actively participate in the battle for righteousness in SA!

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