Pray for TV porn appeal on Friday

Defending family, faith and freedom

On Friday, December 5, Judge Lee Bozalek will hear arguments from TopTV/StarSat and ICASA in their appeal against his ruling that cancelled the license to broadcast hardcore porn on South African TV.

The Justice Alliance of South Africa (JASA), Doctors For Life and Cause For Justice will oppose the appeal at the Western Cape High Court to ensure hardcore porn channels are kept off South African TV.

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Please pray that God will intervene in this crucial case and that Judge Bozalek will refuse both ICASA and TopTV/StarSat leave to appeal. Their victory means a victory for the porn plague.

Please also pray that God will give the Christian attorneys supernatural favour, wisdom and provision as they fight this critical legal battle to stop the destructive spread of pornography in South Africa.

On November 30 and December 2 “Watchmen on the Wall” featured the excellent documentary, “Porn Pandemic” that clearly Illustrates the link between porn consumption and addictions, psychological problems and marriage breakdown. If you missed it, you can access the programme on the FPI website later.

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The easy access to hard-core pornography on the Internet and TV also contributes to the demand for prostitutes — which in-turn drives sex-trafficking of vulnerable women and teens to meet the demand.

On Sunday, December 7 at 7pm and Tuesday, December 9 at 8pm, “Watchmen on the Wall” will broadcast excerpts and powerful interviews from the Anti-Trafficking Conference held in Cape Town recently.

We speak to “Portia” a victim of sex-trafficking who bravely relates her gut-wrenching experience of abuse and exploitation at the hands of human-traffickers. Hers is a powerful story of redemption.

Incidentally, ICASA, a government agency is appealing the High Court judgement that struck down the license granted to TopTV/StarSat to broadcast hardcore porn on SA TV – during the “16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children.” Porn fuels violence and abuse of women and children.

During the past two weeks of the campaign, President Zuma and various cabinet ministers mounted podiums across the country condemning the exploitation and violence against women and children.

Remarkably, the same government – through its agencies like ICASA– is fighting to keep hardcore porn on TV despite overwhelming evidence that porn is destructive to men, women and children.

I will meet with Home Affairs Minister, Malusi Gigaba early next year to resume discussions about introducing legislation that will effectively prohibit pornography on the internet and television.  

I also plan to meet with Deputy Minister of Justice, John Jeffrey next year to discuss the slow rate of implementation of the Anti-Trafficking regulations that became law in December 2013.

Please remember to pray for the Christian attorneys at the Western Cape High Court on Friday, December 5, as they fight the legal battles to keep hardcore porn off South African television.

One Comment

  1. Rev Pam Berning

    I challenge the churches in SA to take up this fight against hardcore porn on TV.
    It has devastating consequences on family life. Bless all those who have joined the fight.

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