Prayer + Action = Breakthrough in 2012

Defending family, faith and freedom

As this is my first update for the year, I wish you and your family God’s best for 2012. I pray you experience His love, blessing, provision & protection in greater measure this year.

I believe you and I will see God’s righteous rule increase in our families, government and Church in 2012. This is the year of breakthrough! If you have been trusting God to intervene in areas of your life for a long time now – don’t give up! Keep on praying and walking in faith.

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He will give you supernatural strength to complete your task this year. Isaiah 40:31 “But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.” (Scripture I received during fast & prayer)

2012 got off to a contentious start when the Body of Christ was sparked into prayer & action in response to the ANC’s centenary celebrations (6 – 8 Jan) during which “the spirit of the ancestors were in invoked.” Christians across the country exalted Jesus Christ as Lord over SA.

Like Elijah and the prophets of Baal, I believe the united fervent prayer of God’s people cancelled the objectives of this godless ritual and enthroned Jesus Christ as Lord and King over the nation.

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TopTv’s plan to launch their appalling 24 hour porn channels on 20 Jan was dealt a blow by the South Gauteng High Court 16 Jan ruling that they must abide by ICASA regulations.

The ruling was handed down the same day ICASA held public hearings on TopTV’s application in JHB. The regulating authority will decide on TopTV’s application by 31 January 2012.

There is much at stake for the family and society. Please earnestly pray that ICASA denies TopTV a license to broadcast pornography in South Africa. You and I must commit to stem the flood of pornographic filth into our nation. Porn is devastating to the family and must be eradicated!

You can also write to Mpho R. Thulare at ICASA and encourage the regulator to protect the family and society by rejecting TopTV’s application to broadcast porn on TV.

I will redouble my efforts this year to make real progress on formulating legislation that will filter pornography on the internet and prohibit its broadcast on national television.

We will also be pushing hard to get the Anti-Trafficking Bill passed and signed into law early this year. This is the breakthrough I am trusting God for – and will see this year!

I am excited to report that FPI has leased a facility from the City of Cape Town that will be used as a place of safety & refuge for women and girls rescued from prostitution & trafficking.

The safe-house will be managed and run by an alliance of Christian based anti-prostitution and trafficking groups in Cape Town. Please pray for God’s provision to equip the facility.

I have a great feeling about this year. Arlene and I fasted and prayed during the first three days of this year. We both sense that God will bring His government to bear on this nation in 2012.

However, you and I have to co-labour with the Lord to fulfill His purpose in SA this year. We must pray like never before and abandon our comforts zones to act like we never did before.

Fervent and heartfelt prayer followed by action is the recipe for breakthrough in 2012.


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