Prayer and blessing on Clifton Beach

Prayer warriors on Clifton beach.
Rozanne Visagie reports on a recent mission to Cape Town’s Clifton beaches

It was a beautiful summer day in Cape Town on Wednesday January 9 at 6pm.

We prayed, listened to Gospel music and holy exitement was tangible in the car as we (four prayer warriors –Afrikaans, Portuguese, Ndebele and Irish) set off to pray and evangelise on Clifton’s 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th beaches.

We had our armour on( Ephesians 6) our flag, our anointing oil bottles, shofars and of course the “sword of the Spirit”..( about 20 Bibles and some Christian/ Bible verses tracts.)

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We were only a few but we were ready and on fire.

On the beach we were surrounded by hundreds of beachgoers. We, however, aimed for the lifeguards’ chair. The guards were about to leave — speak of God’s perfect timing!

We prayed with four lifeguards and handed out most of our Bibles and tracts to them and to beachgoers on all four beaches.

We anointed the stairs. We even put oil on the rocks and the fences and gates of some of the homes on the beachfront.

We blew the shofars and sang worship songs. At one point the flag with the cross was waving from lifeguards’ chair!

Six people gave their hearts to Jesus and many accepted the Word.

Clifton lifeguards accept Christ.

We were elated when eight more prayer warriors joined us. They represented Tanzania, Congo, the Khoi nation and one gentleman had direct French Huguenot ancestry. We were now 12 Prayer Warriors.

We did not know all the believers who joined us from different parts of Cape Town but we were all in one accord. The Bride of Christ with one mission and that was to bless that area, spread love and Christ’s light.

The sea sparkled as we read a few psalms and specifically Psalm 29.

As we stood around the lifeguards’ chair, one warrior, Clinton, declared prophetically as follows: ” You have been anointed and appointed as lifeguards to the nations; to rescue those who are sinking in the sea of sin and despair and offer them the ‘salvation buoy’ through Christ Jesus.”

This is the honour, duty and legacy of those who are called to the Kingdom for a time such as this.

It was truly an honour to pray on that beautiful beach with fellow Christian brothers and sisters.

We took the scenic drive through Seapoint and prayer warrior Regina blew her small shofar from the car window and we prayed for all the areas through which we drove.

It was getting dark as we entered Cape Town city centre (Adderley Street).

We prayed at the Second World War monument, blew the shofar and did some serious intercession for Cape Town and RSA.

Among other things, we also specifically prayed against idolatry, for truth to be revealed and for righteous leaders and true revival.


  1. Wow! Glory to God for giving you the wisdom & boldness to take back Clifton Beach and CT for God. I thank you Saints for your obedience. God shall continue to shine His face upon you.

  2. Awesome, indeed. Praise God for the dedication of Clifton beach to King Jesus. May the previous dedication be nullified, Clifton and surroundings come under the proper ownership of King Jesus. Amen.

  3. To God alone be all the Glory. CT the most south of this beautiful continent, perhaps Father’s favourite continent as Jesus was kept save on this continent as a little Boy. We need to speak LIFE in each possible corner of Africa. Be Blessed.

  4. Glory to the MITY BIGGEST GOD OF ALL, AMEN!!!!

  5. Glory to Him,who sits upon the throne Hallelujah to the LAMB of God..bless those who are obedient to You, King Jesus !! Amen !!

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