Prayer sustained her — and now she’s looking for people to join her in a global prayer chain ministry

wenda-pray-livePrayer heals the broken heart

[notice]Wenda Royster of Baltimore, United States launched a global 24/7 prayer ministry after she was ministered to through prayer during tough times. Now she is looking for South Africans to join the network by taking on shifts of an hour or half an hour — especially during the overnight hours in the US. This is her testimony. [/notice]

I remember it like yesterday, my mother called saying my father was hospitalised, diagnosed with pneumonia.

Shortly afterward he was going into the operating room to have a lung removed. He was diagnosed with cancer. He passed away leaving me devastated.

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My youngest brother died and almost a year afterward my only sister died from breast cancer — the Saturday before Mother’s Day.

My niece called about 4am about 7 months later saying: “You will never guess what happened. Daddy was in an automobile accident and he died shortly thereafter.”

My mother died thereafter as an amputee. If it had not been for a very supportive family — my husband and daughter — I would not have survived all the pain.

Our daughter Christina helped us during this difficult time and continues to be the light shining brightly in our lives, along with our two lovely granddaughters.

Prayer has been the anchor and glue that has kept me through all the trials and tribulations. So many times I cried out to God and God answered me unconditionally.

And that is why there is Pray Live. We know the power of prayer and that God is faithful to hear and answer every prayer.

As if all of the grief was not enough, I was in the gym, bench pressing one day, and the spotter took the weight with one hand instead of two and wound up dropping the weight on my head! I had seven hours of surgery to correct this situation and found myself in a place where all I could do was pray and seek God’s face.

Divine inspiration
God spoke to me saying: “Through all your trials and tribulations, what if there was a place or phone number you could call 24/7 where someone would be waiting on the other side of the phone ready and willing to pray with and for you?”

God would frequently speak to me during our time together, reminding me of the assignment. Once I recovered from my surgery, God never let me forget my assignment.

God began to put various technicians in my path and I knew I had to walk into this God-ordained assignment. While praying I would ask God how I was going to complete this assignment.

He replied: “I will be your guide and source”.

The miraculous began to overtake my life. God gave me the wisdom and placed those with technical expertise in my path. God has put this massive network together and we give Him all the praise and all the glory. We take none of the credit.

We have a network to include callers from every state across the USA with local numbers in Australia and South Africa.

God said there is no distance in prayer and we must come together of one accord from around the world and pray without ceasing. In order to have a relationship with God, we must devote our prayer time to communing with Him and touching and agreeing with other believers. We can’t have a solid relationship with anyone without prayer to include God — the most vital relationship to have.

Perhaps you can see a little bit of yourself in the paragraphs above. Maybe you cried out to God, or someone prayed for you during your most painful moments. Perhaps that person who prayed for you helped you hear from heaven.

Isn’t it time, then, for you to do the same for someone else?

Well, here’s your opportunity! The saved and the unsaved are in need of your prayers!

We need intercessors who will pray for shifts of an hour or half an hour — especially during the overnight hours in the United States. We need you to help us pray and trust God for a prayer chain of a multitude praying 24/7 around the world.

For more Information email: or call 0800 983 610 (SA number).

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