Prepare for revival and ‘rainfire’ — Julita Kok

Worship South Africa gathering at Hermanus on Heritage Day

A revival is coming to South Africa in which many souls will be saved without preaching but as a result of many people having encounters with Jesus himself, says Julita Kok, an exco member of Worship South Africa in one of two prophetic messages she shared recently with a small group of social media contacts.

Kok, who says her messages somehow spread like wildfire, gave Gateway News permission to share them — they can be viewed here.

In her first message, shared on September 27, she says the new believers will be so on fire for Jesus, “that the church will be afraid of them, not knowing what to do with these “radicals”. But God is raising up an army Himself, an army who will build His kingdom here on earth like we have never seen before”.

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She explains that her prophetic insights are based on experiences during 3am prayer watches during which God spoke to her and she had a vision of Jesus riding into Cape Town on a white horse, ahead of an army of angels. In her vision Jesus also summons angels who have been waiting on Cape mountaintops.

“At that moment I knew the holy war is at hand and Jesus Himself is here to fight the battle. This is not our battle as a holy war is always about souls and He is here for this fight. And during this time of lockdown we started Worship SA and the worshippers were doing their part and the watchmen on the walls are praying doing their part and He gave us praise as a weapon …. so I knew the battle is on. We are all preparing the atmosphere and the spiritual realm for what is about to happen in this earth,” she shares.

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She says this is the time of a much-prophesied revival spreading from the south of Africa, through Africa, to Israel and beyond. The “radical” new believers will be at the forefront of the revival. They will have a complete work done in them by the Holy Spirit in an instant.

“And we as Christians on this road for a long time, should be awake as to what God is doing and be careful not to work against God because we want things done in a certain way. Let God be God during this time and move with Him and your eyes will see the most beautiful things happen in the lives of the unsaved. Many of them will go before those saved for many years already,” she says.

In another message shared on September 29, Kok speaks of an encounter she had during a time of midnight prayer and waiting on God in the mountains. Her son, Leo, was with her.

God spoke to her about wanting believers to welcome the Holy Spirit — the Spirit of Truth — to teach them as they used to do in earlier days.

She says Leo had a vision about “rainfire” falling on people.

“I asked him to explain and he said that it is normal raindrops, but they are on fire. Water cannot burn. But I immediately knew what God is doing in this time.

“Water cleanses. It is also a sign of the Holy Spirit. Fire refines. God is using the Holy Spirit to send down rainfire to cleanse, purify and refine at the same time as there is no more time for new souls to take 50 years to mature in Christ. He is quickening the process. He is going to baptise people with water and fire simultaneously. Purifying and refining at the same time,” she says.

She urges believers to “be expectant of the rainfire. Pray it down. And welcome the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, in your midst”.

One Comment

  1. I believe that the time spoken about by the prophet Joel is on our doorstep ” Old men will dream dreams,and young men will see visions”

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