Prophet leaves no doubt that God still speaks to his people today

[notice]Pastor Afrika Mhlophe writes about a recent week during which the gifts of the Spirit flowed freely and people were set free from the works of the devil. He says such meetings should not be the exception — they should happen all the time as they did in the First Century church.[/notice]The Lord has blessed the city of Port Elizabeth by sending Prophet Edwin Brookman from Paris, France. Hosted in KwaZakhele by Bishop MJ Mbesi of Divine Life Faith Ministries, last week, this man leaves no doubt that our God still speaks to His people today.

The gifts of discernment, word of knowledge, and wisdom were flowing freely during the week long meetings. Prophet Brookman is used peculiarly by God in that He would receive, by revelation, a person’s name and sometimes even cellular phone number and other details about a person’s life. Even though he struggles to pronounce some of the Xhosa names yet the Lord gets very specific and clear with him.

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Even when being interviewed on the local community radio station Radio Nkqubela FM Prophet Brookman received clear prophecies for listeners of the station.  There are people who called the station to confirm the prophecies released on air. Let us not forget that there is no distance in the spiritual realm.

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Now you may be asking how do we ascertain that these occurrences and manifestations are really from the Lord. Does God speak to His Church through prophets and what purpose does this serve? The Bible tells us to judge every prophecy and I believe we can do this by measuring it against the Bible. After all no prophecy or revelation can contradict or have more prominence than the written word of God. The Bible is called the sure word of prophecy. Another way of judging the veracity of a prophecy is whether or not the prophecy comes to pass or is fulfilled. There are many who purport to have this gift and yet what they predict does not come to pass. Who can forget last year’s, much publicised predictions about the end of the world? And of course there is another such prediction for 2012.

This gift has been misused and that cannot be denied but let us consider thi;, if there are fake prophets then there must also be true prophets the same way that if there are fake currency notes there must be true ones also. It is the standard of the true that the false is attempting to copy and emulate. This particular Prophet has been used by God to particular expose the works of the devil in areas of witchcraft, curses, necromancy, etc. Like with Paul in Ephesus items and tokens of divination and magic have been destroyed and people delivered. God’s presence in these meetings is causing people to come clean and confess their double standards in their walk with God. Some of the peculiar miracles include people who have healed of barrenness, HIV and other sicknesses.

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It is amazing the level of demonic activity present in some people’s lives. I mean some of us would attribute things like addiction to pornography and other vices as simply psychological but there is much of this that is due to the activity of Satan. I am not saying that everything we do that is in variance with Scripture is due to some dark forces because there is also our own flesh that lets us down. Our Lord Jesus has come to set the captives free and this what was happening every evening in KwaZakhele during Prophet Brookman’s visit and many made decisions to receive Jesus as Lord and Saviour.

Now looking at the issue of the dreaded HIV, how do we know for sure a person is healed of this incurable disease? The only way is to get medical verification and those who claimed to be healed did as exactly that. We know that there is a window period with this disease so people should test again after this period and people should be advised not to discontinue medication until they have  done all the necessary tests.

Another thing worthy of mention is the level of humility this man walks in and his commitment to the written word of God. He does not elevate the supernatural phenomena above Scripture, which is a mistake some have made. Meetings like these should not just happen once in a while but all the time. This is what the first century Church experienced. The Devil who masquerades as an angel of light and hides behind things like culture has to be exposed. Prophet Brookman is doing exactly that and is teaching people of dangers that lurk in consulting witchdoctors and dangerous occult practices. To God be the glory.


  1. Zukiswa Busakwe

    Wow, mfundisi I was there. I am one of the people he called by name and surname, actually he began with my child.

    • I remember that Zukiswa. What a blessing to know that God knows you by name and even your child’s name. And to think that He knows all of us and all our stories, my goodness. Walk therefore in the liberty He has provided you and your family.

  2. He is on his way to Queenstown from the 23rd to 29th July. God will be doing mighty wonders. Invite anyone, that you wish him/her to see God at work at Queenstown City Hall from 18h00

  3. Nonjabulo Mabhanya

    Wow He was in Stanger @ Life Renual Centre on April (pasover)
    He did exactly what u said.
    God is wonderfull.

  4. ronel grimett-mtetwa

    We also had a fabulous time in lusikisiki @tbmi

  5. Emmanuel Acheampong

    A black snake with white tag bit me in my dream. Some days later some strange rushes was all over my body except my face. I didn’t know the snake was in me until Bishop Ewusie Brookman prayed for me and casted the snake out of me. Glory be to GOD am saved through Bishop Edwin Ewusie Brookman @ Grace Gospel Ministry Takoradi. May the Lord replenish you of any energy lost Daddy God Bless you.

  6. Ntombikayise Kuse

    My life is a mess, I need this man of God

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