When Jacques Malan of Father’s Voice saw last week’s Gateway News report on a painting (Unlocking Africa) by a prophetic artist in Alaska, USA, he said: “I just knew I have to reach out to you on this one.” Below, he outlines a prophetic word and vision which he received from the Lord recently
In the beginning of the year, as usual, we sought the Lord’s face on matters for the year to come (2025), especially for Father’s Voice.
I received this prophetic word in my heart that is very much in line with what you published [about the painting and upcoming national day of prayer and repentance]
I saw three things; everything is related:
a) A word/verse
b) A vision/picture
c) The glory of God
a) The word – I heard these words: “Draw near to Me, and I will draw Myself close to you”. (James 4:8)
This Scripture verse hits deep, and I realised that it’s going to need definite and action-packed energy, an effort and action that actually “draws you closer” to God. It’s not going to happen just by itself, or through words and thoughts alone. We’ll have to “dig in”. God Himself will weigh these efforts/actions in each of us to complete the “… and I will draw Myself close to you” part.
b) The vision –– I saw a combination lock’s inner workings. It also looked like a door of a vault. I could see all the gears and actions within it, how it turns — complex. Then I heard that every person is such a combination lock to be unlocked.
Also interesting, the Body of Christ (as one) is also such a combination lock.
Then, as we live (journey) through 2025, and we draw ourselves closer to Him, and seek to live out His perfect will for our lives, the first “code” of the lock slides into place and a slot (space) opens because of the “correct code” being implemented – to be righteous/ in the right place. Our lives are therefore “codes”, and we receive these secret codes through obedience to Him (The Locksmith).
This code we receive, is also linked to intimacy with Him, as well as His will for us, which is also our purpose. As each individual journeys through this year, we are turning the lock to the secret and unique codes to open (move into place) the slot (space) on each code (in everything we do and say).
Then, as each code comes into place one after the other, and the slot (spaces) of the combination lock forms a longer and longer “shaft” (by getting/having the correct codes), it forms one long “continuous” slot (shaft / path) until the last code.

As a result of that slot (shaft / path), a key can then be inserted into that slot, which slides through the slot, and the lock unlocks.
It was here where I heard and saw something very very exciting!
When the unlocking’ happens, when the lock unlocks – it shows forth the glory of God.
c) Again I saw in the vision; when you look at the slot (shaft / path) from one side, as you would look through a telescope of a rifle, and if / when all the codes are in place i.e. the slot (shaft / path) is formed, then you will aim at the “target” on the other side = the glory of God!
In my own understanding:
I believe the Lord is getting us, His children and His Body, ready to show His glory in 2025.
But, as a guidance and also a warning, He also reveals the “rules of the Locksmith” — we must draw near to Him, the true way; not just through words.
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Awesome thank you!