“Protect Our Police” initiative launched online

Police representatives, prophets and intercessors joined in a “Protect Our Police” virtual meeting on Wednesday night at the conclusion of a day of fasting and prayer for the police hosted by SA Back to God.

“Our burden is that the nation would take the SAPS under their wing and really support and stand in the gap for them,” said SABTG founder Janet Brann-Hollis who compiled a report on the event for Gateway News.

The meeting was held on Zoom and Facebook live.  SAPS representatives were Col Jan Combrinck, Col Jannie van Vuuren and Col Lamela, the head of the Religious services of the SAPS.

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Cols Lamela and Van Vuuren both gave short reports regarding the moral fibre of the police.  Pressures facing SAPS included many suicides, divorces and general public distrust of the police. Both officers expressed deeps appreciation for the prayer initiative.

Brann-Hollis, Dr Irma Simpson, Advocate Annelie Bevan, Robyn Stewart and Col Combrinck prayed over the following prayer points: nationalisation, reformation, new leadership, administration and restored dignity/moral fibre.

Exerpts from prophetic words released for SAPS during the meeting are:

Janet Brann-Hollis:

I see a change coming in SAPS, a new level of leadership.  God is restoring the image and the administration of SAPS. He is giving first-world technology for the administration to become much more effective.

The government will begin to prioritise crime-fighting organisations, with a lot more investment. This will pull SAPS up to being ahead of crime in the nation.

A vision of justice being served for the Kinnear murder and a counterforce in the Cape was seen and God will begin to expose all the corruption.  God will make the situation in the Cape between gang warfare to be an example in the nation.

Dr Irma Simpson:

I hear the word reset, reorder and restore. God is establishing a new order. There is a war in the heavenly over the police.

I see many of you have sacrificed and poured out your lives and some have even lost their lives during very trying circumstances, but I feel God wants to encourage you today

I see God raising the standard against the enemy. God wants to raise protectors and He wants the people of SA to dwell at ease. God wants SA to be known as a land of peace and not of war. God wants to deal with the spirit of corruption, the spirit of murder and lawlessness in this nation. God is going to deal with those who misrepresent justice, who are guilty of bribery and corruption. Many will be exposed and removed in the days ahead.

God is calling the church to pray for the police force In SA like never before. I see God is raising intercessors! 

I see the disrespect and the distrust of the people being restored. I see the military and the police will work together in greater unity.

Annelie Bevan:

But I see that the Spirit of the Lord will descend on the whole police force in a mighty way and a new sense of purpose and solidarity and patriotism and a true love for the people of South Africa and the need to serve and protect will be reborn within the majority of officials within the police force.  

I see winds of change will start moving over the SAPS. A gradual sifting of personnel will start happening. I see God’s spotlight landing on corrupt officials. I see a new generation of leadership coming to the fore.

The Hawks will become even more effective and efficient in investigating and combatting national priority crimes. I see that the Hawks will become increasingly effective in investigating organised crime syndicates. They will have a sharp eye and a swift response and turnaround time.

People of integrity will be placed in these units and through the intelligence gathered by this unit, especially violent crimes and organised crimes statistics will decrease. God’s hand of favour rests on this unit. 

Jan Combrinck:

Today sayeth the Lord to all members of the Saps: “Seek first My Kingdom and my righteousness and then I will activate you to stand in the gap for your nation, South Africa.”

God says:

“The same love that saved and led my people through the Red Sea, that made the wall of Jericho crumble, that changed water into wine, that healed the sick, that raised the dead, that same love kept my son on the cross for you –-  and this same love is for you the protectors of our nation for now and forevermore.

“Through this new portal (God) will send a new secret key of his love to the Saps to open the treasure chest of his heart. This key of love will unlock a new journey into the extraordinary of the supernatural — supernatural events will start to take place.

“And then God will lead you into new and higher dimensions that will unlock revelations bringing change in the Sa[s that will lead us into deeper intimacy and worship never experienced before.”

Robyn Stewart:

We are in a season where God will bring hidden things to light.  Members will value honesty and truth, men and woman who are worthy of honour and respect. 

Robyn prayed that God would raise men and woman so determined to bring God to their workplace and be so strengthened to uproot all corruption, etc.

Watch the webinar here: https://www.facebook.com/janet.brannhollis/videos/10159328261574750/?d=n


  1. We agree & will continue to pray accordingly. Our God reigns in the Police Force.

  2. What a wonderful opportunity for the whole body of Christ to become involved. Praying for those in authority. 1 Timothy 2v1.
    Prayer and Intercession are the keys. Unity of the Church, the power to turn those keys.
    May the Church invade the police stations with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, revealing His love and power. Many policemen and woman have heard of church and even attended, but they have never met Jesus.
    In the late 1980’s or 90’s, God spoke to a woman and said that the Police Service would be used to bring Righteousness and Justice to the Nation. In 2010 He shared with a different woman and said that the SAPS would be a Force for Change.
    Pray for the Police, visit their place of work with messages of Hope and Faith. Give them gifts…..not cake but Bibles.
    May the church in South Africa grab hold of this initiative and work together to see God’s hand bring Transformation to this body of men and women. Like the world…….they need Jesus.

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