Protecting our children ensures our future

Defending family, faith and freedom

The most encouraging news I heard this week is Watchdog International’s successful installation of a national internet filter in the Republic of Mauritius to prevent the sexual abuse of children.

Peter Mancer, the MD of Watchdog International – presented a compelling argument for the installation of a national internet filtering system in South Africa – at the Symposium on the Harm of Pornography jointly hosted by the Film & Publication Board and FPI in Cape Town last year.

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South Africa has the highest incidence of sexual abuse of children in the world. This includes child-on-child sexual abuse as a result of minors being exposed to hard-core porn on the internet.

The liberal media lambasted our proposal to formulate legislation that will enforce the filtering of internet pornography nationally – citing censorship & freedom of expression concerns.
Remarkably, this same media refused to publish an obituary notice on 1 Feb by Africa Christian Action in memory of the million un-born babies murdered in the womb in SA. They justified their blatant censorship of Christian thought and opinion by claiming the advert was “offensive.”

Apparently, the liberal secular media finds nothing offensive about children as young as eight downloading hard-core porn or the growing menace of child-on-child sexual abuse.

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Unsurprisingly, the Broadcasting Complaints Commission of SA ruled they could find no fault with Special Assignments horribly biased program on the internet porn issue – despite the gratuitous showing of several hard-core sexually explicit images – while children were viewing television.

To appeal this decision, I had to deposit R10 000 in their account and fly to JHB at my own expense. This is an example of the liberal media protecting its own through “self-regulation” and by making it almost impossible for the public to obtain justice in a fair and objective manner.

Protecting children from exposure to internet pornography is not only the responsibility of the Church, it is also consistent with the protections of children enshrined in the SA Constitution.







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