Rugby World Cup gratitude prayer gathering notes prophetic signs of SA victory

Special report by Vuyokazi Matu

Ministers of the Gospel, the elders, leaders, sons and daughters of the Living God from different ministries and provinces in the nation, gathered on a Zoom call on Wednesday evening to celebrate the victory of God displayed through South Africa’s Rugby World Cup win!

One of the dedicated Intercessors of the nation, Mama Kholeka Mkhethi, received a call from the Lord to gather the saints for a Rugby World Cup Victory thanksgiving prayer. After approaching some elders who were in agreement, the call was sent out to the Church. It needed to be done this week.

Mama Tshidi Tshabalala opened the prayers by thanking God for bringing hope and being the lifter of heads again in SA and the continent of Africa;. and for restoring dignity by displaying His splendour, favour and presence. She expressed much gratitude to God for honouring the nation, lifting the veil of darkness and making SA a display of his marvelous light before the nations of the world.

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Pastor Rachel Modise shared how, during the second half of the match, she received Isaiah 66:8-9, that the nation would win, however the win would be a symbol and a sign confirming the rebirth of Azania. She released heartfelt prayers of repentance, asking God for forgiveness and mercy for rebelling, racial bias, religion, not discerning the times, lagging behind in responding genuinely to prophecies because of looking at who is delivering the message, doubting, not believing and not connecting with courts of Heaven to perceive what God is doing now.

She cried to God to align the church in order to propel God’s purpose through one voice.

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“Siya Kolisi’s stand on wearing a Jesus wrist band and lifting up His Name in a way He did before the multitudes is a bold and courageous move,” said Tata Mkhangeli Matomela. He said that, this was a clear demonstration in a platform where many would shrink back. In a vicious and dark world, he emphasised the need for God’s people to arise and take a stand, firmly and publicly.

The SA rugby team’s collective prayers before the matches have sent a strong message. Tata Matomela said that in a nation with people that were racially divided and scattered the 1995 Rugby World Cup win brought much-needed unity. But that unity later dissipated because in the same year, the government of SA rejected God by removing reference to the Holy Spirit from the national anthem. Then in 1996, the words “in humble submission to the Almighty God” were removed from the preamble of the SA Constitution.

He went on to express that the Springboks’ winning by one point on three consecutive matches, was a very prophetic move, confirming that we have another chance as a nation to come back to God. He prayed that God would heal the nation and redeem His Government of righteousness, peace and justice, beginning with the foundations of government in a family setting and for all families to return back to God. (Ps 22:27).

Taking from Isaiah 1:19-20: “If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land; But
if you refuse and rebel, you shall be devoured by the sword
’; Mama Laurette Mkati, stated how SA
is a nation under judgement.

In 2023 27 000 murders have been committed — a demonstration of being devoured by the sword. Many have been praying to the Lord, saying: “Father in your Judgement, remember mercy!” God is showing His mercy.”

Prayers for the unity of the continent were released by Prophet Nqobizitha Marandure, declaring peace from wrestling with one another, pointing fingers and treating each other unjustly. She based her prayers on 2 Kings 16:6, that many more are with you in Africa than those against you.

Closing the prophetic prayers with Isaiah 62:1 — ‘”For Zion’s sake I will not keep silent, …till her righteousness shines like the dawn, her salvation like a blazing torch.” Bishop Felicia Mathenjwa, broke into prophetic prayers, calling Azania to arise, shine for the glory of the Lord is risen upon her.

Declaring the Lord’s light, the Lord’s glory covers the nation Instead of darkness,that the Lord has remembered His covenant and hears the cry of the people, she called for South Africa to see the sign and respond accordingly by turning away from wickedness. In a midwifery heart cry, she decreed and declared the womb of Africa is open to hear the voice of God and is responding to the decrees and ordinances of God. She proclaimed Africa is exalted and shall no longer be put to shame; the glory of God has come upon the nation in all spheres of influence in society.

Dr Mpho Muyanga, called on elders to arise at the gates, to deliberately come against the Interfaith false unity movement to weaken the Church as stated in the Alice Bailey 10-Point Plan. She called the Church to arise and occupy until He comes, and for the elders to arise in boldness, raising up the Isaiah 2:2 mountain of the Lord, by speaking directly to the powers that be — especially in the gate of time to a miraculous divine intervention in the nation. She said that as we sing together: “Woza Moya oyingcwele” ( “Come down Holy Spirit”), restoring it back to our anthem, we shall see our God who answers by fire. Our land will not be desolate!

There was a clear heartfelt call to the Church and SA at large to turn away from not walking the
narrow road, calling themselves Christians but not obeying God’s laws. “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” For what shall it profit SA to win the world and not caring about own soul. The mercy of God was received in gratitude and honour was given to God for opening a door of mercy in a time of judgement.

Through Prayers, Azania was called to return from being a prodigal nation, and to turn from wicked ways, of enjoying the things of the World and from us being a Church that acts like the World. which prays lots of prayers without changing lifestyles, behaviour and character traits.

It was declared: “This is a time to manifest a change of heart and a change of lifestyle. Being genuine
in loving God with all the heart, mind, soul and strength by loving others!”

Intercessor and prayer warrior Mama Hilda Ndude led and hosted the meeting with grace
and order, covering the session in the prophetic prayer of Psalm 83 — the prayer for a nation’s

AS requested by the elders, the meeting was held by the Governmental Prayer Altar, led
by Prophet Vuyokazi Joseph Matu.

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  1. Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah, I received the Springboks’ victory as an “extended grace” for our nation, and Africa/Azania.
    Time is now to not just talk but act as an obedience to God. Amen.

  2. Hallelujah ? we bless the Lord who is redeeming His own in this Era..

  3. Thenjiswa Elsperth Mali

    As I hear the voice in the wilderness so it will be on the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Yes Lord Yes Lord.

  4. I thank God for this confirmation. It felt insane but I never doubted that the Springbok victory was ordered from heaven. How I pray that every single person will acknowledge God for this victory. Against France, I prayed my heart out. At half time we were trailig France by a huge margin and my faith failed. I went to sleep. I was so embarrassed yet excited when i woke up to the Springboks victory.

  5. I felt God was so in this world cup showing us 2Chr7v14 has so much power.I said to my my daughter I felt the Lord telling us if we His people who’d trust Him in the way manner we did with rugby world cup we will see a huge change in our country as well as our own lives.We’ve seen God moves.There was a time that I felt I’m loosing hope and I hear loud the Lord said don’t loose hope pray and I literally felt how from my feet came a power of hope and trust.God has indeed show us what happen when we stand together in prayer.I believe an Army of prayer warriors,intersessors young and old has arise during World Cup Rugby 2023.THERE IS HOPE FOR SA.ISAI 62 I HAVE PUT WATCHMEN ON YOUR WALLS S.A THAT WILL NOT KEEP QUIET

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