SA Christians invited to join in 15 days of live, online worship

Shae de la Hunt leading a live worship session this morning (PHOTO: Facebook)

Worship ministries across South Africa are currently partnering in providing Christians an opportunity to join in 15 days of live, online worship sessions.

“We will fix our eyes on Christ and hear what HE says during this time of crisis,” says a post on the Worship South Africa Facebook page which is hosting live worship sessions with skilled worship leaders from all over SA from 6am to midnight daily. Jump in anytime, is the invitation.

Worship schedules are published on the page daily, indicating who will be leading sessions at different times.

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Worship leaders who would like to be scheduled for a worship session are invited to message the Worship South Africa Facebook page and the organisers will get back to you as soon as possible. They say: “We have a large number of worship leaders wanting to be involved — thanks for the interest please be patient as we review your messages.”

“In the Bible every battle was won through worship and obedience. Covid 19’s battle is so much more than the physical virus…

“This is what we’ll do, we will worship and hear what God’s plan of victory is. Take cover in His presence and set your mind on the things that’s on HIS mind,” says a message on the About section of the page.


  1. Hugh G Wetmore

    Let’s worship the Sovereign God who works out His purposes through blessings and curses. (Deuteromony 28, Luke 13:1-5, Romans 8:28-30). This “Corona Crisis” song may be sung to any of the well-known tunes listed at the end.


    Jesus understands Corona
    better than the wisest men.
    Where it comes from, where it’s going,
    how to kill it in its den.
    God’s not taken by surprises, Psalm 139
    doesn’t panic like we do.
    He’s not stymied by our crisis ~
    Plagues, for Him, are nothing new. Ex 11:1; Psalm 106:30; Rev 16:21

    God rules all things for His purpose, Daniel 4:34,35; 5:21
    He controls what happens here. Isaiah 45:6,7
    He sends blessings, He sends curses, Deuteronomy 18:1-14; 15-68
    He sends suff’ring, He sends cheer.
    Ev’rything that happens to us Jeremiah 17:11 Romans 2:4
    must bring sinners to repent,
    must conform us to the image Romans 8:28,29
    of the Saviour whom He sent.

    As we trust and pray for mercy Psalm 51:1 Habakkuk 3:2
    on ourselves and on our land,
    we will turn from sin that hurts Him,
    let Him form us by His hand.
    May Integrity, Contentment, Jn 15:26 Jn 15:18-20 Phil 4:11,12
    Jesus’ Love, Humility John 13:34 Matthew 11:29
    demonstrate our true repentance, Luke 3:8
    showing Christ for all to see.

    With Corona’s crisis showing
    such nutritious, healthy fruit,
    ‘twill be worth the heavy going, Hebrews 12:2,3
    foll’wing Jesus on this route.
    We will follow His example, 1 Peter 2:21
    salt and light within our land. Matthew 5:13-16
    He will use us as a sample Ephesians 2:7
    of the purpose He has planned.

    Words: Hugh G Wetmore © 2020
    commissioned by Dr Eric Robbins, Glenhaven,
    at the time of the Corona virus pandemic.
    Metre: 8787D
    Tunes: Converse (what a friend we have in Jesus)
    Ode to Joy (Joyful, joyful we adore Him)
    Austria (Glorious things of thee are spoken)
    Lux Eoi (Alleluia, alleluia, earth to heaven …)
    Ebenezer (O the deep, deep love of Jesus)
    Hyfrydol (I will sing the wondrous story)

  2. What a beautiful and extraordinary idea for extraordinary times. May not only South Africa but the whole world lift their voices in praise and worship of our King. May the Lord expand and multiply this idea. what a blessing!

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