Season of jubilee for the Eastern Cape — Laurette Mkati

In a message to Intercessors for Africa — Eastern Cape, Laurette Mkati shares on some prophetic words for the region and some strategic developments

“Then you shall sound the loud trumpet on the tenth day of the seventh month. On the Day of Atonement you shall sound the trumpet throughout all your land. And you shall consecrate the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout the land to all its inhabitants. It shall be a jubilee for you, when each of you shall return to his property and each of you shall return to his clan.” — Leviticus 25:9-10

As instructed by the Lord we sounded the trumpet over the Eastern Cape on Sunday evening September 27, the Day of Atonement, and have now entered by faith into our season of Jubilee, the year of the Lord’s release for all those who have been forced through poverty to give up their land, their God given inheritance.

It is time for the people to return to their original possession, inheritance and purpose. It is a “Divine Reset” allowing the people who have lost everything to start again. It is a season of rejoicing and a season of restoration.

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The Lord has already begun to show us His favour and give us direction as to how to unlock the potential in the land of the Eastern Cape much of which is currently underutilised, unproductive and even barren. On October 24, we began 40 days of fasting and prayer leading up to the launch of the Africa Israel Chamber of Commerce in the Eastern Cape (AICC-EC) which will take place on Saturday 5th Decemberat Down Town Christian Centre, East London.

The registration for the launch event is R200 and the day will commence at 10am with a workshop on the Vision and Values AICC and the Economic Outlook of EC Business Opportunities. This will be followed by the launch which will have a presentation from the Israeli Trade Desk. Apart from the spiritual blessing that this will bring us as we connect with Israel, there are many practical blessings, not the least being assistance in rural development especially in the sector of agriculture.

In the time of the homelands of Ciskei and Transkei there was a strong relationship with Israel that assisted in making them highly productive where produce was even exported. Anybody in the province involved in projects and businesses that could benefit from this association is invited to contact Phiwo on 079 280 3732 for more information.

Unfortunately, over the years since 1994, we have regressed greatly and irrigation schemes which Israelis had assisted in establishing became dormant.  This was a result of a deliberate decision of the new government to stop all former homeland projects.

In addition to this, encouraged by the “African Renaissance” there has been a return to ancestral worship and the practice of witchcraft on a high level to the extent that we now have young people initiating as sangomas while still at school. As these idolatrous altars have been raised all over the province, on the land and at our rivers, as the covenants with death and water spirits have been renewed and continually strengthened, the once fertile land has become covered with thorns and thistles just as the Lord promises when there is idolatry in the land.

It has also vomited out its own inhabitants and we find that businesses once owned by the Xhosa people are now taken over by foreigners. These are all biblical consequences for rejecting the Word of God which had once been received by the Xhosa chiefs when the Gospel came with the missionaries (Deuteronomy 18:9-14, 28:15ff, Leviticus 18:24-27, 19:4,11-12,21, Isaiah 8:19-22).

On the day that we launched the fasting and prayer, Pastor Segun Olanipekun, the founder of the Africa Israel Chamber of Commerce released several prophetic words over the province (the full transcript is attached) which included declaring a season of divine favour, economic emancipation and economic empowerment for every family in the Eastern Cape. God is ready to do a new thing in our land and He needs us to rise up and take responsibility as His royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:9) anointed by Him to be ministers of reconciliation, not only of the people but also the land (2 Corinthians 5:18-10  & Colossians 1:19-21). 

For a long time, creation has been groaning in this province crying out for the manifestation of the sons of God (Romans 8:19-22). It is now time for us to answer that cry and present ourselves to the Lord as sons of His Kingdom taking up our original mandate to rule with Him and for Him on earth (Genesis 1:26-28, Psalm 115:16, Revelation 5:9-10, Isaiah 28:14-18).

Another important aspect of redeeming our province is the mountain of education. You will recall we had two gatherings for educators and all those involved in the eco-system of education, which includes parents and all those working on this mountain in whatever capacity. Out of this was birthed the vision of the Christian Educators Forum which is being led by Nikiwe Apenteng who is also the provincial coordinator of this prayer network and under the guidance of the Institute for Christian Leadership Development (ICLD).

On Saturday November 21, there will be an Education Imbizo at Victory Vineyard Ministries (formerly Good News) King Williams Town commencing at 10am. Please invite as many as possible to attend. We are looking at representatives once again from all six districts as well as our two metros. The registration is R50 and more information can be found by calling Nikiwe on 061 447 0393.

In a further prophetic exhortation given by Pastor Segun on our Sunday evening Zoom prayer for the province, he brought a word from Zechariah 8:9 — “Thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘Let your hands be strong, you who have been hearing in these days these words by the mouth of the prophets, who spoke in the day the foundation was laid for the house of the Lord of hosts, that the temple might be built”.

In his word, he said that the Education Embizo and the AICC-EC are foundational pillars that God has laid for a long-time move of His Spirit in the Eastern Cape. He prophesied that our hands would be strong to handle all that Heaven is committing to us and that we would be an extension of God’s hand and that the purpose of God would not fall through our hands. 

He prayed for an apostolic capacity to execute divine counsel and that the word of the Lord would not fall to the ground but that our children and children’s children would experience and enjoy it.  He went on to prophesy that our hands would be strong spiritually, financially and in the way we relate to one another, to handle the purpose of God, to handle the counsel of God and implement it, to receive and retain what Heaven is releasing to the Eastern Cape.

Due to the urgency of what the Lord is releasing to us within our Jubilee Year, we are seeking to have meetings in every district, municipality and metro to discuss Redeeming the Land and how to deal with the altars on the land resisting the move of God’s Spirit. If you wish to coordinate such a meeting please contact Donovan on 078 097 9752.

Let us respond to God by believing the words of His prophet “Believe in the Lord your God and you shall be established; believe his prophets, and you shall prosper” — 2 Chronicles 20:20.

Continuously compelled by the love of Christ

Laurette Mkati

One Comment

  1. Victoria Koorzen

    The excitement and faith for Eastern Cape restoration is wonderful. May you experience Yehovah’s Grace and deliverance.
    It is important, though, to honour His times and instructions – a Jubilee year cannot be declared by man. The previous Jubilee year was in 1996 and the next one only in 2045.
    We must bear in mind what happened to Aaron’s two sons when they offered “strange fire”. They died on the spot. Calling 2020 “a year of Jubilee” is strange fire.
    Shalom brethren (and sisters ?)

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