So what’s next? — Marian Fitz-Gibbon

Frontline workers in South Africa are breathing a sigh of relief as the arrival of vaccines brings a promise of push back against the deadly Covid-19 pandemic. This brings a greater hope of saving lives and reducing the number of infections. Running parallel to this is a breakthrough Ivermectin treatment ruling in the Pretoria High Court which offers further hope in the Covid-19 battle. What’s also a great relief is having lockdown restrictions lifted in various areas. Hope restored raises our vision. For many of us we may feel that we have come out of a prison of sorts.  

It’s a strange thought but have you asked the Lord what to do with your newfound freedom? Do you have a clear picture of it? It’s the most difficult time to be prophetic but it’s also the most tremendous time for prophetic leaders to show backbone and conviction. We live in the most turbulent of times. If you have not got a set of values and principles, then now is the time to get some. As prophetic people we cannot swing this way and that to suit the crowd. We must be God pleasers and not chase after man. A case in point here is the Ivermectin one. It’s one worth  researching to assess the potential  to save lives.    

The setting
The fields are white unto harvest. The nation and the nations are desperate for the Gospel of truth — the truth of Jesus Christ. We have seen the mercy of Jesus throughout this horrific pandemic where the message of hope and love was preached. There have been healings and the demonstration of signs and wonders in measure. But the outpouring of healings has not matched the losses. My heart breaks over our losses and for those left behind.  

The devastation, the brokenness in the valley of despair. We must stop and count the cost of this war.  We must ask the Lord how to be better equipped as Christians. There are keys of the Kingdom that God wants to give us in these battles. When we hear that there is another wave and another wave coming. For a moment, I wonder what else we must do; what have we missed?

What have we learnt?
Connect with Lord:  People are our greatest gift and we have learnt to fight for them in the prayer trenches like never before. When last did we have so many global prayer initiatives? Yes, it is not over, and I think we are learning different ways to pray. Some, like Eugene Leonard in South Africa, are showing they were  born to pray and tear down strongholds day after day. Then there are others who say their prayer life has changed to just sitting in the Lord’s presence and when they leave their room those whom they encounter are touched to tears and healed.  

One thing is for sure — to be in the presence of the Lord and hear His voice is sweeter than honey or wine.While many speak about longing to be with their family and friends there is nothing like the presence of the Lord.                     

Your troops will be willing
on your day of battle.
Arrayed in holy splendour,
your young men will come to you
like dew from the morning’s womb.           
— Psalm 110.3 NIV

Love your neighbour: How to love your neighbour is a question that is being asked in a new way. Practicing generosity and giving, open-heartedness and caring for the weak and vulnerable is something we have been seeing  in great measure in South Africa and around the world in this season. Stories of being attentive to those who are isolated, and scared and are at risk have touched our hearts. At our traffic lights is a man who is deaf;  he earns a living by begging. During the height of Covid-19 he never went without a meal – compassion for him rose.

South Africans took up the cause to feed the hungry when government grants were in short supply.  It may not have closed the gap completely, but people responded to the cry. I still believe we can be challenged to share more of what we have with those who have not. Look around your factories, businesses, houses and see how you can either upskill or set someone up with some basic items.    Not everything has to be for a money exchange!!

Where to now?

Our frontline workers need a break and restoration in very deep ways. Think of ways you can either offer counselling, coaching, or food – by this I mean really great food–  family care, a holiday, something to offer some restoration to their weary souls.

Our children need to get back on their feet; their voices need to be heard. They will tell the Covid-19 stories into our tomorrows. We can’t just brush a generation aside, clap our hands and say: “Come on now.”  We all need to stop and talk, feel, reflect and give thanks for those of us who made it through and say farewell properly for those who have gone.

Music and art:  Let the musicians sing a new song of hope so we can rise again. Call the children to paint the pain and dance a new dance of hope. They are carrying the raw inside stories of our tomorrow.


Since Covid-19 forced innovation in communication, let us pray that technology will be used for evangelism, training, and reaching out to the world.

Clear communication is essential: The ability to discern between truth and lies is a skill we can all get better at. The methods of communication are going to increase and change, and we need to be adaptable and teachable. The harvest will be reached on the internet and other communication devices. This brings the Church into a new season of upskilling, communicating, pastoring, and connecting. Creativity in the area of communication is essential.

Online prayer and counselling centres:  Well-trained prayer warriors and counsellors who can pray for the sick and their families is so helpful. I recently attended an online healing room run by Bethel Church in Redding, California. Whichever Zoom room I was in I was treated with care and excellence. The teams were well trained, able to hear from the Lord and pray with accuracy. The prophetic words were encouraging and spot on. I was one of hundreds attending! This is an indication of the need! Well done everyone.

Religious Leaders: We must look at what works and what doesn’t and regardless of what stream or denomination we come from we must work in unity to help rebuild our society. Religious leaders need support even though they knew what they signed up for the deaths, losses, the poverty, the confusion and people struggling. There does come a time to ask the question who counsels the counsellor and who supports the supporter? Their dreams and hopes have been challenged too.   While they may belong to a fraternal or have a board of elders, it’s these who feel the pressure of this awful war.

Meeting together
It’s not time to get religious but let’s throw some thanksgiving gatherings on Zoom. There’s so much to be grateful for and a little bit of creativity around the subject would lift the mood.

The list is endless of what we have learnt, could have learnt and should have learnt but stopping to say “thank you” to our Lord and Saviour for eternal Life is a gift in itself.

As we go forward “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and even more as you see the Day drawing near” — Hebrews 10:23-25 (NKJV).

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Be strong and safe.

Love, Marian

One Comment

  1. Thank you Marian for your thought provoking message. You share God’s heart encouraging us and stirring us to press in, hunger for more and to expect much more as the Lord prepares His people. You are a blessing to us all.