South Africans invited to join another Christian ‘courageous conversation’ on race relations

Everybody is invited to attend an online “courageous conversation” next Thursday (December 10) in which Christian leaders will address some of the tough topics which typically divide South Africans into opposing camps.

You can register to participate in the 7pm to 8.30pm Zoom webinar titled “Lessons learned from Senekal and Brackenfell High School” by clicking here, or you can watch it live on the Reconcile SA Facebook Page.

Next Thursday’s webinar is part of a series of courageous conversations on race relations facilitated by SACLI (South African Christian Leadership Institute) and takes place six days ahead of the Day of Reconciliation on December 16.

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Conversation topics include:

  • Addressing the existential crisis we face as a nation.
  • Land reform in South Africa and the role of the church in facilitating reconciliation
  • How do we bring about meaningful racial reconciliation in South Africa?   
  • How to get youth invested in starting a constructive dialogue about race in South Africa.
  • Breaking down walls and mindsets caused by apartheid requires intentionality from White South Africans.

And speakers include Dr Mamphela Ramphele, Robert Ntuli and Anneke Rabie.


  1. Afrikaner-Christene moenie hulle op sleeptou laat neem of laat boelie deur misleide links-liberale hoofsaaklik niewit globalistiese kultuurmarxistiese eenwereldorde pro-verbastering Christen-Engelspraters nie.

    • Michael John Higgs

      As an “Engelsprater” I deeply resent the implication EITHER that all English-speaking Christians are liberal (or Maxist ) OR that all the liberal perversions of the Gospel come from the English-speaking world. This is precisely the mind-set that needs to be addressed and I earnestly hope, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, that the coming webinar will do it effectively.

    • I too am an Engelsprater and I’m concerned that as a Christian you would seem to be so prejudiced towards other Christians. True Believers in Christ come in many colours and languages and despite traditions or cultures are joined in unity through the Blood of Christ and His Word. I would strongly suggest that you examine your heart as comments such as yours are divisive and as such are not of Christ.

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