Stop anti-Christian bigotry in South Africa!

Defending family, faith and freedom

On March 21 the nation celebrates Human Rights Day. Almost every godless and anti-family agenda in South Africa is currently being advanced under the guise of human rights.

Sexual perversion, the corrupting of minors, the exploitation of women and children, prostitution, the murder of the unborn and many more are all considered fundamental human rights in the new SA.

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Apparently, and according to the liberal media, the only group not worthy of human rights protections are Bible believing Christians. Christians are fair game for every form of abuse.

Following the unwarranted attacks on Judge Mogoeng Mogoeng’s appointment as Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court in 2011, the God-haters are at it again. This time the Mail & Guardian accused Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng of “ordering High Court Judges to attend an evangelical leadership conference – raising concerns about the separation of Church and the Judiciary.”

The allegations turn out to be false and are part of an orchestrated hate-campaign led by the liberal media against the Chief Justice – and based entirely on his Biblical Christian beliefs.

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Homosexual activists and their cheerleaders in the liberal media launched a scathing attack against Justice Mogoeng because he believes “homosexuality is a sin that can be cured through prayer.”

According to these groups, Biblical Christians have no right to their beliefs and must not occupy positions of influence. Christians like the Chief Justice present a grave threat to democracy.

The media have absolutely no qualms with homosexual activist and Constitutional Court Judge, Edwin Cameron. His promotion of “gay rights” is considered central to our democratic freedoms.

The staggering hypocrisy so prevalent in the liberal media indicates that the “human rights agenda” is just another weapon of the anti-Christian bigots to attack believers.

Following the controversy surrounding the Red Bull “Jesus walks on water” advert, the media gleefully posted the blasphemous advert on their websites – even though it was recalled.

The Red Bull advert is part of a wider global campaign to mock Christianity leading up to the Easter Weekend. The Christian Post reports the ad was flighted in Brazil provoking similar outrage.

Red Bull was fully aware of the response of Christians but chose to flight the advert on every major television channel in SA anyway. This was a deliberate and calculated strategy to offend.

Significantly, Red Bull has several ads mocking Christianity – but none ridiculing other religions.

The National Geographic and History channels on DSTV usually increase the broadcast of documentaries disputing the deity of Christ and the authority of the Bible in the weeks leading up to the Easter Weekend. Again, there are no programmes challenging other religious figures.

Anti-Christian discrimination is alive and well in our brave new democracy. I have fought against racial discrimination and will continue to fight the insidious evil of anti-Christian bigotry.

Christian citizens have the right to freely practise their faith and the freedom to articulate their beliefs without having to suffer attacks from anti-Christian bigots in the liberal media.

This Human Rights Day and beyond please speak out against anti-Christian discrimination and fight for true moral justice in SA. Because if the Son makes free, you shall be free indeed! John 8:36.

One Comment

  1. riaaz canthitoo

    Dis is so true we need all south africanz to no wats goin on be for its 2 late

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