Stop hardcore porn on SA television

Defending family, faith and freedom

Following reports that TopTV planned to launch 3 hard-core pornographic channels in SA on Dec 1, 2013, the Justice Alliance of SA (JASA) launched an urgent court interdict to stop porn on SA TV.

JASA lodged papers at the Western-Cape High Court challenging ICASA and Top TV’s false arguments that hard-core pornography on SA television poses no risk to women and children.

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ICASA declined TopTV’s 2011 porn application arguing, “The right of women to equality and human dignity overrides TopTV’s right to freedom of expression”. The authority argued that “Pornography was one of the contributing factors to the normalisation of violence against women in SA.”

However, less than two years later, ICASA made a disturbing about-turn contradicting its earlier ruling. It found, “most of the representations were based on moral grounds rather than research evidence to demonstrate the conclusive remarks linking pornography and gender-based violence.”

In other words, ICASA rejected submissions by Family Policy Institute and other concerned organisations because of its moral basis. Apparently, morality is no longer a good argument.

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Incidentally, FPI and others provided ample proof that pornography harms women & children. 

As a result, a regulator established by government has rejected even SAPS reports that this country has some of the highest rates of rape & sexual abuse of women and children in the world!

Yet the SA Government – who has failed to effectively reduce rampant sexual crimes  – gave a failed channel the green light to broadcast hard-core porn in SA – in a bid to rescue their business.

However, government has no rescue plan for the thousands of victims of sexual abuse in SA. 

The SA Government has repeatedly ignored warnings from organisations working to ensure the safety & dignity of vulnerable women and children. The rape and sexual abuse of babies as young as four months old are becoming commonplace in a nation that celebrates sexual perversion.

Alarmingly, the SA Government appears more keen to take policy advice from the United Nations and radical anti-family “sexual rights” activists – than it does from the majority of its own citizens.

This is why South Africa resembles a nation in pagan Europe – more than it does a nation on the continent of more conservative Africa. Sadly, the values of the majority are not reflected in society.

You have a chance to change this untenable situation with your vote next year! This nation is sliding deeper into sexual depravity and moral chaos with every passing year. You and I can alter the destructive trajectory this country is on in 2014. Vote your values not your fears!

I am reliably informed there will be other legal challenges against ICASA and Top TV to stop them from broadcasting hard-core porn in a nation regarded as the “rape capital of the world.”

Investors admit the Top TV brand is damaged in SA and will rename the pay-channel “StarSat.”

However, their name was damaged for attempting to launch porn on SA TV! A name change will not rectify this if StarSat goes ahead with plans to launch hard-core porn on South African TV.

The nationwide boycott initiated by FPI of Top TV and its sponsors and retail partners will be intensified by major Christian denominations – should they proceed with porn channels.

Please encourage your family, friends and fellow congregants to boycott Top TV or StarSat immediately! Your support of this business will help them launch hard-core porn on SA TV!

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