Cape Town, Jo’burg oral submissions on film, magazine, computer game classification

Cape Town and Johannesburg residents are invited to make oral submissions on the 2012 film, magazine and computer games age classification guidelines next week, says the FPB. Members of the public may also have a say in setting the standards for classifying these media by submitting written comments on the latest FPB guidelines. The closing… Continue reading Cape Town, Jo’burg oral submissions on film, magazine, computer game classification

Public comment on film content makes a difference. Have your say now.

Yoliswa Makhasi, CEO of the Film and Publications Board.

Public comment (or lack of it) on sex, violence, blasphemy and other content in films, magazines and video games plays an important role in setting the standards that the Film and Publication Board (FPB) uses to classify these media. This emerges from comments by Yoliswa Makhasi, CEO of the FPB and former senior officer of… Continue reading Public comment on film content makes a difference. Have your say now.