Gateway News Volunteer Reporter Claire Sally Roos caught up with a friend who studies at the University of the Free State and asked her some questions (see below) regarding what she experienced. Claire writes: “What I gleaned from her replies is that age-old truth that sometimes it takes some form […]
Tag: student protests
The issue that lies deeper than ‘Fees Must Fall’
[notice]A monthly column that reflects on living in the Kingdom of God.[/notice] Believe it or not, there is a bigger issue at stake that student protests (and virtually every service delivery protest) reveal, beyond the costs of tuition. Beyond the rands and cents of this particular issue lies a deeper […]
Students’ just cause puts leaders on the spot
I am reading a book entitled ‘The Making of a Leader’ by Dr J Robert Clinton, an Assistant Professor of Leadership and Extension of World Mission at Fuller Theological Seminary. One of the profound things that the professor says is that “there are three basal elements of leadership: leader, followers, […]
A Christian response to student protests
[notice]A monthly column that reflects on living in the Kingdom of God.[/notice] Two key moments stand out for me on the Sunday before the nationwide student protests engulfed our nation. In the afternoon at a church social event, after asking a Rhodes university student what her plans are for next […]