Take the vow and stop TopTV in its tracks

Defending family, faith and freedom

Although I expected a lot more Christian men to turn up for the ‘Real Men March Against Rape & Violence of Women & Children’ on 16 March in CT, the event was a resounding success.

More than a thousand men (and some women) marched to Parliament – worshipping God through the streets of Cape Town & demanding an end to rape. See SABC News report and video clip here.

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Pastor Aaron Makili handed the Memorandum to Advocate Hishaam Mohamed of the Department of Justice – who committed to table the proposals with the Minister of Justice on 19 March 2013.

You can view the entire ‘Real Men March,’ the reading of the Memorandum and the taking of the Vow on ‘Watchmen on the Wall’ on Tuesday 26 March at 7pm on TBN Africa –DStv channel 341.

Family Policy Institute in partnership with several major Christian denominations and thousands of independent Churches in SA launched its nationwide boycott of Top TV and its advertisers.

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The boycott of Top TV was launched at the ‘Real Men March’ and is widely reported in the media.

Top TV’s insistence that the introduction of three hard-core pornographic channels in SA is their “right” – despite the current rape crisis – reveals their callous disregard for women & children.

Pastors please announce the Top TV boycott in your Church this Sunday 24 March. Please urge members to cancel subscriptions with Top TV in protest against their harmful porn plans for SA.

I also need your help distributing the video clip of the “Vow” to men’s groups across the nation.

You can use the video clip of Rev Costa Mitchell leading the men in the “Vow” in your Church on Sunday or at men’s ministry gatherings. The goal is to get millions of men in the nation to take the “Vow” and to encourage other men to do the same – and then hold each other accountable.

Please help us get this video clip and text document distributed throughout the country via Church networks and social media. We must start a movement of righteous and responsible men in SA.

The ‘Real Men’ in SA, who live under the authority of Jesus Christ, must use their influence to challenge other men in their environment to fulfil their rightful roles in their homes and society.

Evil prospers when good men do nothing. But what happens when good men pray and act?

The Lord Jesus established His Church in the earth to “destroy the works of the devil” and to promote and uphold truth, righteousness and justice – without compromise.

Me and my team are working tirelessly to expose the devils agenda for SA. However, all our work will be for nought if you and the rest of the Body of Christ ignore our pleas to pray and act.

Please therefore help spread the word about the Christian Church’s boycott of Top TV. Also help us distribute the video clip of the “Vow” to men’s groups across the country.

You and I can do much more together than we can do on our own. The unity of the Body of Christ in SA is critical. Please stand with me in defence of the family and the advance of Biblical values.

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