By Karin Plaatjies
Beloved, I would love to share a testimony with you of a God who faithfully answers prayers if you dare to open your mouth and speak God’s Word into the atmosphere! HalleluYah!!!
I was so encouraged recently when I read an article in Gateway News by Apostle Linda Gobodo, who was led by the Holy Spirit to declare war on Covd-19. It delighted me that we, as the Body of Christ are finally rising up as God’s End-Times army to take our stand against the devil’s schemes!
This reminded me of how we used to prayer walk during 2010 and 2011 in Parow and Goodwood on Voortrekker Main Road on Friday nights from around 10pm to past midnight, ministering to prostitutes and victims of human trafficking, with the intercessors covering us and praying for us at church while we were out!

We would spend an hour or two in intercession, asking The Lord for guidance and protection, before the team went out on the streets. We did this faithfully throughout the year, even in icy cold weather.
At the time, there were many brothels, nightclubs and pubs on Voortrekker Road. There was an influx of these kinds of establishments in anticipation of the economic boom brought on by the 2010 World Cup that was held in South Africa. It was really a terrible time for our nation spiritually, with the increase of wickedness!
We would walk down the main road and stand before these places where ungodly, nocturnal activities were taking place and pray — and we would release Scriptures into the atmosphere. I particularly liked to pray Psalm 24 out loud. Declaring the earth is the Lord’s and everything in it and informing the gates in these areas to lift up their heads and let the King of Glory come in, for transformation to take place and holiness to be the fruit of these areas. HalleluYah!!!
We would declare scriptures that The Lord laid on our hearts and declare that these places would all become CHURCHES!!!! We faithfully did this every Friday night, calling out souls from the kingdom of darkness into the marvellous Kingdom of Light of The Beloved Son of God, Jesus Christ of Nazareth and claiming the territory for our Father, decreeing and declaring restoration back unto The Father.
Three years ago an amazing thing happened. I was no longer working in the corporate world and we were struggling to make ends meet. The Lord then placed a business into my hands as an informal trader. He opened a door for me to successfully trade with second-hand clothing and goods at Parow Flea Market.

Shortly after I started working there, the Lord reminded me that we even used to prayer walk there at Parow Flea Market on Friday nights, years ago. It’s in the street behind Voortrekker Road. The place looked different at night though and was unfenced at the time when we prayer walked there. We used to minister to prostitutes there, who waited for their clients on the parking lot.
At Parow Flea Market I became known as the HalleluYah lady. Very soon I started building up a regular clientele through word of mouth and many of my customers were Foreign Nationals from Congo, Zimbabwe, Malawi, etc. We became friends and they started sharing their stories with me. We would fellowship and I would pray with them for their prayer needs, etc.
Through these new relationships I discovered that many of my customers attended various churches in Voortrekker Road. Because of this, I started taking an interest in the churches in Voortrekker road, as I drove down the main road regularly and my memory was triggered. I started remembering the prayers we used to pray, decreeing and declaring CHURCHES to replace the establishments that were serving the kingdom of darkness. I was in absolute awe of God’s faithfulness when I saw the many churches that sprang up where we asked God to produce a Godly harvest.

I now even remember praying for a big, 4-storey nightclub at Canal Walk to become a CHURCH, when driving past there in years gone by, and I know that many intercessors prayed for that place… And now Hillsong Church owns the building!!!!! HalleluYah!!!!! OUR GOD IS FAITHFUL!!!!!

So I want to encourage my brothers and sisters, the beloved in The Lord, to intercede! To rise up and declare The Word of God!!!! It will surely come to pass. It is Our Father’s good pleasure to answer our prayers!
Let us co-labour with the Living God, YHWH Elohim. He is faithful and just to answer our prayers and to give His holy angels charge over our declarations!!!! WE MUST OPEN OUR MOUTHS AND SPEAK!!!!
We must ask God for our seeds that we have sown thus far, to come up. For Him to give the increase. Just like we SOWED CHURCHES prophetically 10 years ago in the place of godlessness! Let’s trust God and receive a good and abundant Harvest!!!! HalleluYah!!!!
Glory to God and His Messiah, King Yeshua!!!! His Word shall not return void!!!! HalleluYah!
We love You Lord!
A wonderful testimony from Karin!
Let us continually prophetically declare God’s prophetic promises over NMB.
Isaiah 60:1-3, especially
But also: Isaiah 60; 61; and 62.
We have seen amazing miracles happen in answer to our prayers, but at the moment the needs are great!
It is not time to give up or to give in, but to endure – ‘keep on keeping on – and in due season we will reap, if we faint not!
Amen.. When the glory of the Lord filled the first temple in 2 Chron 7 the priests and the people were on their faces on the pavement seeking God. May Gods glory fill us..the walking temples of GOD.. that as we prayerwalk our neighbourhoods many too will find themselves swept off their feet by the fire of Gods Spirit, especially on the other side of Canal Walk behind Shell garage where the worship centre of the satanist stands.
You can do it again Lord!!
Beloved Karin.. How The King loves you and answers every prayer.. HalleluYah! Alef and Tav, the Glory is His and how He has used you and your ministry to reach every child. You met them, there, where they were and showed the garment of righteousness is in The Name.. The Messiah. Bless His Holy Name and bless you for sharing your amazing testimony. May His Face shine upon you, wherever you go. May you bring His Shalom and Love into everything you do, in His Name.. Amein..
Karen. Thanx for sharing your time and walk in Voortrekkerweg. Jy het so n pragtige getuienis gelewer oor wat daar gebeur het. Vader het jou gebruik en kragtig deur jou gewerk en dit is amazing die verandering wat daar plaasgevind het. Jul gebede is wonderbaarlik beantwoord. Hallelujah
What a truly wonderful honouring to God testimony. We are so grateful to the servants of the Lord who intercede And get out to be His hands and His feet.
We’re so encouraged again not to forget to pray for these precious people who suffer so-even when there are so many requests in these uncertain days and the focus is turned.
Thank you dear Karin. The Lord IS our Shepherd. God bless your ministry.
What a wonderful encouragement. God is faithful……sometimes we don’t know how to pray but the Holy Spirit leads and guides. i just know we are called to pray and some will have greater authority than others at different times but God will use all our prayers as we submit to the Holy Spirit. May God’s people pray and summon dry bones to life and speak life over South Africa. It is God who changes that which needs changing as we pray and seek His face. Bless you for your obedience.
HalleluYah! Thank you for your precious comments Beloveds. As I shared this article with friends on Whatsapp and Facebook, I now delightedly discover that other outreach teams also walked there and prayed!!!!! HalleluYah!!!
So let us make a collective effort again and flood Heaven with our prayers and declarations from The Word of God. I’m excited and expectant to see Heaven respond in MIGHT and POWER. The King of kings rules and reigns forever! His Name is King Yeshua, Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
All Glory to Him and to Our Father!!!!
Our God is great! A mighty worrior, who can change even the most difficult circumstances. Praise Him. Let us keep praying over dead bones.