Thanks for article on porn action

From Lafras Moolman, Uitenhage

Hi Andre

I’d like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for placing the article on ETV Porn and the national switch Off campaign  I Read the article this past weekend and also made a few comments myself on the matter.

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I also immediately after reading your article sent an email of complaint to the BCCSA About this but according to them it’s ETV’s democratic right to broadcast shows like that according to our constitution in South Africa as their “freedom of expression” which is just sick if you ask me because to me, it’s just downright demeaning and disrespectful to woman.

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It’s time we as Christians stand up for our values and protect our woman and children, for too long we as Christians have turned a blind eye to the moral decay in our society or sat on our little fences and said or did nothing to make ourselves heard and be salt and light, otherwise what’s our testimony worth.

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Etv should be held accountable for what they broadcast as a national free to air channel and broadcast material that builds, enriches and empowers all who live in South Africa. With material that is relevant to all. Subsequently to reading your article I have also emailed a letter of complaint to etv itself needless to say, still awaiting response, also planning to send a email about this to Die Burger and the Herald believing they would publish it sometime soon

I’ve really decided to make myself heard in this matter but do you know where the real problem lies? The root cause for all our problems in society today is a general lack of mutual respect and human dignity for one another and the only way to stop this is to turn our hearts and minds back to Jesus in all we say and do.

Another thing I’d like to add is this: our woman should be treated with the dignity and respect they deserve because they are the mothers and daughters of our nation and our children are our future leaders so they have to be protected at all costs, a woman is not just a sexual object but someone to love, nuture and care for.

With that, I’ve also decided to not watch any program on ETV again.

I view Gateway News as a very reliable source of information regarding Christian News and views in the Eastern Cape.

Thanks also for your weekly insert on Kingfisher FM Sundays

Greatly appreciated

Keep up the good work

Be Blessed


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