The battle for family, faith and freedom is now

Defending family, faith and freedom

Following an exhausting but blessed and fruitful twelve day ministry tour of Durban and Johannesburg, Arlene and I returned home to Cape Town to prepare for an important trip to the US.

The World Congress of Families (WCF) – the largest pro-family network in the world – is convening a Strategic Planning Meeting in Salt Lake City, Utah from 21 – 23 October 2014

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Since the United States Supreme Court refused to hear State appeals on same-sex “marriage” cases, the attacks by sexual rights radicals on marriage and the natural family has significantly escalated.

The WCF will draw pro-family leaders, scholars, academics and social scientists from across the world to discuss and plan strategic responses to the current onslaught against marriage and the family.

Arlene and I depart on 19 Oct to represent SA at this strategic international gathering. Please pray.

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On 10 October, I participated in a debate entitled, “The Satanist, the Christian and the Constitution” at the University of the Witwatersrand (Wits) Law School in Johannesburg. The forum was filled with law students that came to debate the balance between Religious Freedoms and other Constitutional rights.

I ended the two-hour debate arguing the Constitution is essentially a wish list of ideals and laws we hope citizens will obey. Most don’t. SA has some of the highest rates of murders, violent crimes, rapes, child abuse and corruption globally – despite having the most “advanced constitution in the world.”

I said, laws, however well meaning, cannot change the wicked heart of mankind – only Jesus can. Surprisingly, I received a standing ovation from about half the students in the auditorium.

Significantly, there were strong appeals from students for more Biblical content in learning institutions to counter the growing moral decline in SA. In fact, the Department of Education in Gauteng established a task team to address the alarming rise of satanism related crimes in schools.

A Justice Alliance of SA (JASA) press statement reports that Western Cape High Court Judge, Justice Bozalek ordered that further submissions be made on the Top TV/Star Sat Porn case.

Attorneys for JASA, Cause for Justice & Doctors for Life returned to the High Court on Monday 13 Oct to further argue the case that was first heard in August. Apparently, Top TV/StarSat misrepresented their “adult” content to ICASA to obtain a license to broadcast hard-core porn on South African TV.

Please urgently pray that God will supernaturally intervene in this case and guide the judges decision. The pornography plague must be eradicated in SA to effectively protect women and children.

Please also pray for Arlene and I and the team at Family Policy Institute as we continue the fight on the frontlines of the battle for faith, family and religious freedom! We value your partnership.

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