The blood of Jesus: Why evangelical Christians support Israel — Charles Gardner

The beach near the ancient town of Capernaum, where the Roman centurion asked Jesus to heal his servant. (PHOTO: Charles Gardner),

As whipped-up Palestinian rioters cry out for Jewish blood in their days of rage against ‘occupation’ of their land, we should be praying that these dear people, for whom Christ died, would instead call on the blood of Jesus for their redemption.

This is their only hope – and ours too for that matter. As Israel is tempted to quake in fear of the vicious international hatred being vented against them, may they too cry out for help from Elohim who sent his beloved Son to die as a sacrificial Lamb to atone for the sins of all who put their trust in him. The doorposts daubed in lamb’s blood back in Egypt later became a wooden cross where God himself took the punishment we deserved.

In this battle over war and peace, the hordes of hell are being unleashed against the Anointed One and his people. But the Prince of Peace – not the diplomats or politicians – has the solution.

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As believers the world over celebrate Pentecost (Shavuot) on Sunday, I think it is highly significant that a Jerusalem Post writer has credited evangelical Christians (or Christian Zionists as they are also known among Jews) for the current political breakthrough which has seen President Trump move the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to the ‘city of the Great King’.

It is evangelical Christians who are standing with Israel today in ways that Nehemiah could never have dreamed about,” wrote Tuly Weisz on May 12.

We’re talking about their influence on the President as well as their love for the Jewish people who gave us Jesus and the Bible including almost the entire New Testament.

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Weisz had asked Christian participants of a Jerusalem conference why the embassy move was so important to them. “The answer they gave is that it is foretold in the Bible,” she wrote. Meanwhile Israel’s Education and Diaspora Affairs Minister Naftali Bennett said the move represented a new era in which the international community’s relationship was based on reality and fact, not fantasy and fiction.1

It’s worth noting that those 3,000 who joined the first disciples on the Day of Pentecost in response to Peter’s sermon were Jews and proselytes from all over the known world (Acts 2.5).

An indication of the significant role Gentiles would play in spreading the good news of Israel’s God came with the healing of the centurion’s servant at the start of Jesus’ ministry. The Roman officer had humbly sought the Saviour’s help, only requiring him to “say the word” as he felt unworthy to receive him into his home.

And so the gospel – to the Jew first (the leper who preceded this incident in Matthew 8) – was now also offered to the Gentile. We hear much about amazing grace, but Jesus was amazed by this man’s faith. The only other time he is recorded as having been amazed was by the lack of faith in his home town. (Mark 6.6)

I wonder too if our Lord was also prophesying of a day when faithful Gentiles would make an extraordinary mark on the world. In Yorkshire alone in recent centuries (I am biased because I live there) I can immediately think of three men who changed the world through their faith in Jesus – William Wilberforce from Hull, a co-founder of the Church’s Ministry among Jewish people who successfully campaigned for the abolition of slavery, Barnsley’s Hudson Taylor, to whom millions of Chinese Christians owe their salvation, and Bradford plumber Smith Wigglesworth, who raised 14 people from the dead as he helped to pioneer the modern-day Pentecostal movement which had such a profound impact on twentieth century Christianity.

In honouring the Jewish people both in word and deed, we are simply building on the foundation laid by the Apostles. But we mustn’t forget the importance of prayer – after all, a ten-day prayer meeting had preceded that great initial outpouring of the Holy Spirit!

In terms of the recognition – and restoration – of Israel, the importance of prayer from men like Rees Howells and his Bible College students at Swansea in Wales cannot be underestimated. They had prayed many long hours at the time of the UN vote in 1947 before victory was secured.

In South Africa, although the government stubbornly refuses to acknowledge Israel’s right to defend itself, many Christians are on their knees praying for the peace of Jerusalem. Farmer friends from where I grew up have just emailed me, saying: “We are extremely excited with the USA’s ambassadorial move to Jerusalem and continue to pray for this beautiful capital as well as for the region. What a privilege to witness what the prophets were only able to see in visions.”

Those nations who oppose Jewish aspirations are in for a big shock. For they will come to nothing, as Isaiah predicted long ago (Isa 60.12). Even the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign received a bloody nose with victory for Israel’s entrant in the Eurovision Song Contest despite their efforts.

It is significant of course that the United States should take the lead in recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, just as they had done back in 1948 when President Harry Truman was the first to recognize the new-born state. Apparently he took just eleven minutes to do so, but “later regretted that he waited so long”, according to U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman.2

In fact, there will come a time – perhaps in the not-too-distant future – when Jerusalem will become the capital of the world (see Zechariah 14.9 & 16).

Israel will soon be blessed with a Royal visit from Prince William, second-in-line to the British throne.

But at the Second Coming of Jesus, which is surely also not far off judging by the signs (see Matthew 24, Mark 13 & Luke 21), they will welcome the King of Kings and Lord and Lords (Revelation 19.16).

Come, Lord Jesus!

1Jerusalem News Network, 16th May 2018, quoting the Washington Post

2JNN, 14th May 2018, quoting Arutz-7


  1. Amen… Come Lord JESUS, take up your bride !!! Rev.3:7-13

  2. John Saunders

    This article really caught my attention and put a nervous smile on my face.

    A few weeks ago, when I first heard various negative remarks about Israel from officials of the South African Council of Churches and the South African Government, I said to my wife that these people do not know what they are doing. Of course, what I say has never made any difference to anything.

    I reminded my wife of the very first time that Mr Jacob Zuma proudly proclaimed that the ANC will rule until Jesus returns and how we agreed at the time that these repeated blasphemous statements by the President of South Africa will not go unchecked.

    Well, it is history now that Mr Zuma is no longer the President of the country and I am convinced that unless the ANC changes its attitude towards Israel and repents, they will definitely not rule until Jesus returns. Our God refuses to be mocked.

    Someone might say that what Mr Zuma said was not blasphemous, but allow me to explain that any time anyone uses the Name of Jesus Christ (the Name above all Names) in any way without the intention to bring honour to that Name, that is blasphemy and for every blasphemous action there will be consequences, unless we repent.

    I am not asking anyone to believe this, but I am suggesting that you just observe and in due course you will witness how the Hand of God moves. Sometimes it is slow and sometimes it is quick. The only action that can stay the Hand of God is sincere Godly repentance.

    I loved it when you used the following words:
    “In this battle over war and peace, the hordes of hell are being unleashed against the Anointed One and his people. But the Prince of Peace – not the diplomats or politicians – has the solution.”

    Your statement is correct and the way to make it happen is not through our big meetings, but through intercessory prayer and supplication.

    God has a special soft spot in His heart for the Jewish people and I was excited when you emphasised that the “3,000 who joined the first disciples on the Day of Pentecost in response to Peter’s sermon were Jews and proselytes from all over the known world (Acts 2.5)”.

    The Gospel had to go to the Jew first and only thereafter was it offered to us.

    Today, the only way a Jew or Gentile can be reconciled to God is through being Born Again.

    Today in South Africa there are many “Prophets” prophesying all sorts of things that are not in line with God’s Word at all. There are scores of large meetings with good intentions being held every week to pray for “revival”, but as far as I can tell South Africa is growing more wicked and lawless by the day.

    In addition to that I must add that despite everyone calling for revival, the word “revival” does not appear in my KJV Bible even once.

    The Historical churches remain silent and the Pentecostal churches are no better. Many Independent preachers are giving it a go, but without achieving the desired results, because they are not following Biblical guide-lines.

    I also appreciate your reference to the fact that on the day of Pentecost after a 10 day prayer meeting and a sermon of only a few minutes that high-lighted the fact that the hearers were responsible for the death of Jesus on the cross, the hearers did not deny it, but asked the question: “Brethren, what shall we do?”

    If we were to tell people in the Church today that they are responsible for or contributed to the death of Jesus on the cross, most would resist such a statement.

    Nevertheless, on the day of Pentecost we find that 3000 Jews who heard the Words of Peter:
    1. repented towards God,
    2. believed in the Lord Jesus Christ,
    3. were baptised in the Name of the Lord Jesus, and
    4. were filled with the Holy Spirit.
    This all took place on the same day.

    The following Words of Jesus can be applied to the Church of Jesus Christ in South Africa.
    Mar_7:6 He answered and said unto them, Well hath Esaias prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me.

    I was also very happy in my spirit when you referred to Rees Howells the Intercessor and his group of Students of the Bible whose intercessory prayers changed the course of history on more than a few occasions. I agree that their intercession and supplications contributed in no small way to the establishment of the Nation of Israel on 14 May 1948.

    Can similar prayer and intercession for South Africa, beginning with ourselves, our families, our towns and cities, then our Provinces and our Nation work for us also to bring peace and quiet to our nation??? I definitely think so.

    I firmly believe this is the strategy that the Church of Jesus Christ in South Africa should adopt to turn South Africa back to God.

    Having said that, it is interesting to note that after Rees Howells married in 1910 he and his wife answered the call to be missionaries in South Africa. In South Africa they soon began to experience the same sense of God’s presence as during the Welsh revival.

    The Howells travelled 11,000 miles throughout South Africa, seeing many thousands converted to follow Christ.

    When considering what you have written in your article, taking into account the state of the Church in South Africa and the moral state of the nation called South Africa it is my considered opinion that the hearts of this nation will be changed, not only through prayer, but also by the preaching of the heart-piercing, sin convincing, soul saving Gospel of Jesus Christ.

    In addition to that the nation of South Africa should be saturated with prayer groups that will follow the Biblical examples of how to pray effective prayers that can change not only the hearts of believers and unbelievers, but also the hearts of those in government whom we have invited to rule over us.

    It is such a pity that the South African government and the South African Council of Churches have chosen to lift their voices against the nation of Israel. But there is always still hope!!!

    South Africa’s political and Church leaders can still through prayer and supplication and by the leading of God’s Holy Spirit be persuaded to repent of their actions.

    The only answer is for us and our leaders to call on our God to have mercy on us and grant us and our leaders the opportunity to repent.

    Please consider the following scripture from the Good News Bible regarding regarding God’s sentiment towards Israel and its Capital City of Jerusalem. (The capital letters and brackets in verse 60:12 are mine.)

    Isa 60:8 What are these ships that skim along like clouds, Like doves returning home?
    Isa 60:9 They are ships coming from distant lands, Bringing God’s people home. They bring with them silver and gold To honor the name of the LORD, The holy God of Israel, Who has made all nations honor his people.
    Isa 60:10 The LORD says to Jerusalem, “Foreigners will rebuild your walls, And their kings will serve you. In my anger I punished you, But now I will show you my favor and mercy.
    Isa 60:11 Day and night your gates will be open, So that the kings of the nations May bring you their wealth.
    Isa 60:13 “The wood of the pine, the juniper, and the cypress, The finest wood from the forests of Lebanon, Will be brought to rebuild you, Jerusalem, To make my Temple beautiful, To make my city glorious.
    Isa 60:14 The descendants of those who oppressed you will come And bow low to show their respect. All who once despised you will worship at your feet. They will call you ‘The City of the LORD,’ ‘Zion, the City of Israel’s Holy God.’
    Isa 60:15 “You will no longer be forsaken and hated, A city deserted and desolate. I will make you great and beautiful, A place of joy forever and ever.
    Isa 60:16 Nations and kings will care for you As a mother nurses her child. You will know that I, the LORD, have saved you, That the mighty God of Israel sets you free.
    Isa 60:17 “I will bring you gold instead of bronze, Silver and bronze instead of iron and wood, And iron instead of stone. Your rulers will no longer oppress you; I will make them rule with justice and peace.
    Isa 60:18 The sounds of violence will be heard no more; Destruction will not shatter your country again. I will protect and defend you like a wall; You will praise me because I have saved you.
    Isa 60:19 “No longer will the sun be your light by day Or the moon be your light by night; I, the LORD, will be your eternal light; The light of my glory will shine on you.
    Isa 60:20 Your days of grief will come to an end. I, the LORD, will be your eternal light, More lasting than the sun and moon.
    Isa 60:21 Your people will all do what is right, And will possess the land forever. I planted them, I made them, To reveal my greatness to all.
    Isa 60:22 Even your smallest and humblest family Will become as great as a powerful nation. When the right time comes, I will make this happen quickly. I am the LORD!”

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