The ‘Cross of Hope’ will outshine Van Stadens fires

The ‘Cross of Hope’ structure stands tall above the charred veld opposite the Van Stadens bridge after the recent fire that swept through the area near Port Elizabeth, destroying several homes in the vicinity and some buildings at Woodridge College.

“Just as King David refused to rest until the Ark of the Covenant was restored to Jerusalem, in the same way, we in the Eastern Cape will not rest until the ‘Cross of Hope’ is restored after the sweeping fires that raged at Van Stadens in June 2017.”

So says project coordinator, Robbie Hift, who motivated several hundred people in 2013 to build the “Cross of Hope” at Van Stadens bridge.

Hift explains: “In 2013, after 88 people had jumped off Van Stadens bridge to their death over a span of some 20 years, we decided it was time to do something about that awful situation. The Lord gave me a vision to build the biggest cross that was possible on top of the mountain.

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The reason for the cross was so that everyone travelling across the bridge on the N2 freeway would be encouraged that with God, all things are possible and so that discouraged people would take fresh heart. That no matter how bad your life situation becomes, God can and will solve your problems for you. We believe that Jesus Christ brings new life and new hope to people who have lost hope. It took a year of hard work to successfully build the “Cross of Hope” and the giant letters that proclaimed “Jesus loves you”.

The steel framework of the cross still stands after the fire.

This month, after the worst fires in living history, the steel framework of the cross still stands, but all the perspex attached to the frame has melted away. (The white perspex made the cross visible from a kilometere away.) Also, the giant perspex letters which proclaimed “Jesus loves you” have all melted away, leaving only the sturdy steel frameworks which held the letters up off the ground.

Hift explains: “So we want to rally a team of people together who love the Lord. An army of believers who believe that Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life. This is the team who will restore the ‘Cross of Hope’ so that future generations of people who look at the cross will also be encouraged by the love of Jesus Christ.”

“It’s going to take serious prayers, hard cash, pure blood, hot sweat, genuine tears and a whole lot of love to restore the cross to its state of glory. Are you willing to provide any of these vital ingredients? If so, then you are welcome to become involved. Send me an email with your name and contact details to”

What is needed?
Hift says the following is needed for the restoration project:

  • A forklift (Manitou) crane to reach 14m high to take down the cross and to raise it again after repairs.
  • Sheets of thick asbestos painted white. These will be affixed to the front of the cross so that it is visible from a kilometre away.
  • Someone who can manufacture giant perspex letters 2m-high which will read “Jesus loves you”.
  • A team of dedicated workers to spend one to three days out at the cross doing repairs — probably in early August.
  • Funds for materials which have to be purchased.
  • Prayer Warriors who understand that prayer is the engine room of the Lord and that by His power, the impossible becomes possible.

“We have already been offered state of the art, brand new solar lighting to light up the restored cross so that it will shine brighter than all the fires of Van Stadens! Thank you, Sir! The Lord knows who you are!” says Hift.

Gateway News asked Hift to give just one testimony about the impact of the cross at Van Stadens.

‘Cross Of Hope’ coordinator Robbie Hift, second from the right, and other members of the original cross project team celebrate the fruit of their efforts.

Hift smiled radiantly and replied: “Only one testimony? I could give you several hundred! Well, I think you will enjoy this one.

“In 2015 a team of pastors and prophets and leaders from King William’s Town, Port Alfred and East London saw the cross and became so inspired that they asked me to help them build a similar cross in King.

“So we held a series of workshops in Jeffreys Bay, and formed a workforce which funded and built a giant 14m-high cross right on the N2 in KWT on the premises of Good News Christian Centre.

“Next to the cross, we installed an electronic LED board adjacent to the freeway which shines pure scripture all the time. 24/7 you will see Call upon the Lord and be saved and May the God of Hope fill you with all joy in your believing, so that you may abound in Hope.

The newly-erected ‘Cross of Hope’ in 2013

“At the celebration service on June 18 2016 we erected a gigantic marquee tent next to the cross in KWT and some 700 visitors came from all over the world. Many people gave their lives to Jesus and the visions of many new ministries were birthed there.

“At the centre of all this life-changing activity was the giant, 14m-high cross which was born out of the vision of the giant ‘Cross of Hope’ at Van Stadens two years before.”

Hift concludes: “It reminds me of the scripture that proclaims All things work together for the good of those who love the Lord and who are called according to His purposes.”

For more information on how to get behind the new ‘Cross of Hope’ restoration effort, contact Hift at

One Comment

  1. Praise God, for He will provide..Thank you Jesus for the price You paid on the Cross…

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