It’s time now for sleepers to awaken — Marelinke van der Riet

PHOTO: Pikist

Prophetic word written by Marelinke van der Riet on August 24:

The Lord has been speaking to me about different kind of awakenings that are happening right now. In this word, I’m talking to those who have been asleep by design – the “sleeper agents”. These are the people who have been prepared and positioned — some for years! — but not played.

As in the game of chess, the queen is usually played in the endgame or at an opportune/favourable time. She stands still, watches and waits until it’s the right time (favourable/appointed time) for her to be played. And I’m here to tell you: It’s time! Not only to be played, but also to be displayed — for His glory.

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The “queens” are being played. Esthers, hear the voice of the Lord: “The time is now!” “And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this!” — Esther 4:14

The endgame has started! The appointed time is here! God is calling his “sleeper agents” to awaken and be activated (become operational/active).

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It’s time for you to enter the game! People are in great need and it’s time for you to intercede! Step into the game, take your place and fill your space! This is your moment — a critical moment that requires a calculated move — with an impact bigger than you realise! He has made his move, now it’s time to make yours.

Awaken, you have been activated. Arise, you have been called to action. For the Appointed time’s here. “Now begin the work.” — 1 Chronicles 22:16

[Look at the previous paragraph. Notice the “A” standing out? While writing, God drew my attention to this specific letter. The Greek equivalent is Alpha. Alpha (Α or α) is the first letter of the Greek alphabet and means “beginning.” (Omega means “end.”)

God is activating you so that you can now begin the work and do what He has asked/called you to do. I believe it’s also a timely reminder that “He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion.” — Philippians 1:6

He says: “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End.” — Revelation 22:13 He has not forgotten about you, long-time sleepers! Rather, He is awakening you in order to finish what He started.

“Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead.” — Ephesians 5:14 “You know the time — that it is already the hour for you to awaken from sleep.” — Romans 13:11

2 Corinthians 6:2 — “Indeed, the “right time” is now.” (NLT) / “Behold, now is the favourable time.” (ESV)  “I tell you, now is the time of God’s favour.” (NIV)

“For it is time to show favour to her; the appointed time has come.” — Psalm 102:13

If ever there was a time to make a move; it’s now. Are you ready?

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