Church must proclaim Biblical truth to world
As I monitor the local and international news networks, I am amazed at the speed at which deception is disseminated through the media. Truth has become the ultimate casualty in the culture war.
The once Christian West has departed so far from its Biblical Christian foundations that immutable characteristics like gender and racial identity and the reality of marriage can be changed at a whim.
identifying restrooms as male and female is considered discriminatory because a growing number of individuals cannot determine their gender on any given day. So gender-neutral restrooms are in.
Ancient social institutions like marriage and the family are devalued and regarded as out-dated and irrelevant. “Throuples” and group marriage represents the brave new frontier of human relationships.
But deception – regardless of how sincere it is believed and articulated – is just that. Deception! A lie repeated often enough might appear as truth – but it is still a lie!
Despite being touted as progressive – risky sexual behaviour still harms people. Despite the claims of sexual right radicals, the biological two-parent family is still the best environment to raise children.
The Christian Church in the western world, including South Africa is not doing an adequate job of boldly proclaiming Biblical truth outside the walls of the Church building.
Lies gain traction when truth is absent
The only real antidote to the alarming spread of deception in society is the public proclamation of Biblical truth. The lie can only gain traction and credibility when the truth remains absent.
Spiritual darkness and moral decay is evident everywhere in South Africa – despite the presence of large Churches in almost every community. The problem is the truth is not reaching its target market.
The Christian Church must urgently formulate a strategy to proclaim Biblical truth where it is needed most, especially in the public sphere where truth is often sacrificed on the altar of political correctness.
The free and unchallenged flow of deception in SA has been catastrophic for marriage, the family and tragically, a growing number of misguided young people. Deception has devastating consequences.
I am grateful to God for the opportunity to produce both television and radio programs that address key issues in society from a Biblical perspective. My broader goal is to get these programs broadcast on other commercial media platforms to reach a wider and more general audience.
The Department of Trade & Industry has invited me to speak on the topic of “the harm of legalised gambling on families” at a national conference hosted by the DTI in Johannesburg in July.
I am always grateful for these opportunities because it provides a significant platform to share the truth about the vital role the family plays in sustaining strong, stable and prosperous societies.
Please join me in boldly proclaiming Biblical truth in SA. Because only Biblical truth sets people free!
I pray that your voice of Truth will be heard wider and louder every day. Our society needs more bold speakers of the Truth in Jesus Christ!
A well written and challenging document; It is so true that (to quote)”The Christian Church….is not doing an adequate job of boldly proclaiming biblical truth outside the walls of the church building.” Sadly, the reason for this is, of course, that the “Christian Church,” by and large, does not boldly, proclaim the truth, within it’s walls. Finaly, may I humbly add, without splitting hairs, that, in reference to the writers final paragragh, “…only Biblical truth sets people free!” it is Jesus Christ alone that sets people free. The problem with many people today is that they are not interested in accepting the truth of scripture anyway.
No one should be excluded from raising children or having children regardless of the family make up. Secondly legalised gambling has given many winners opportunities they otherwise would never have had. İt goes without saying that many churches and other charities have benefited from the generosity of winners.
Stuur die vir jou kerk groepie as jy so voel……In vanoggend se Burger is n artikel oor Jerome Rose van Kaapstad wat sy werk as bestuurder van een van MyCiti busse verloor het omdat hy af en toe voor bus vertrek, eers opstaan en vir pendelaars vra kan hy gou bid. Dan sê hy dankie en vra vir die Here om hulle te bewaar op die pad. Iemand op die bus het n video geneem en hom gaan verkla by busmaatskappy se bestuur. Hy is summier afgedank. Hy sê in koerant “Ek verloor eerder my werk as my geloof”. Hy is 41 jaar oud, het n vrou en 3 kinders, maar versorg 5 kinders. Kom ons bid dat ons Here vir Jerome sal voorsien dat hy op n wonderbaarlike wyse dat hy ander werk sal kry waar hy sy geloof kan uitleef en getuig van die Here se voorsiening in sy nood. Ons God is groot. Stuur asb aan vir jou vriende dat ons almal spesiaal vir Jerome sal bid. Baie dankie