There is no panic in heaven

[notice]A devotional based on everyday experiences.[/notice]

The neighborhood women started calling him “Naomi’s baby boy!” But his real name was Obed. Obed was the father of Jesse, and Jesse the father of David. Ruth 4:17 (MSG)

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Ever wonder what God is up to?

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There is a mother in the bible that must have wondered what God was up to when it came to her life and that of her children..

Her name was Naomi and she had two sons. Both of which died leaving her with two brand new daughter-in-laws in a country where she was a foreigner.

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With nothing to her name but these two young girls she decided to head home and encouraged them to return to their fathers’ households, but the one called Ruth was a stubborn young thing, and she chose to move with Naomi.

Naomi returned to her hometown a hobo: rejected, destitute, homeless. She must have thought her life could get not get better. But somehow it does.

Ruth meets a kind, generous man called Boaz and marries him. They have grandchild for Naomi called Obed.

At the time, losing her sons, being homeless and struggling to make ends meet must not have made sense to Naomi.

It must have seemed to Naomi like God had no plans at all.

But there is no panic in heaven. God wasn’t making things up, he wasn’t reacting to things. God was in control.

Naomi might never have known it, but that little grandson her friends called “Naomi’s baby boy” was called “Grandpa” by Kind David.

Although it must have seemed like things were out of control and that God didn’t know what was going on looking back from this perspective it is clear that God was was out to bless Naomi and her family, and to preserve them to be part of something much bigger than they could dream or imagine.

Do you ever wonder if God knows what he is up to? Pray and ask God to give you a glimpse of the beauty he is bringing out of the chaos in your life.

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