Thousands come to faith in Egyptian desert

By Open Doors

Worshipers at the 2012 'Count it Right' festival.
Worshipers at the 2012 ‘Count it Right’ festival. (PHOTO: Wazala)

From November 14 to16 the huge “Count it Right” evangelistic festival took place in Egypt, 112 kilometres north of Cairo in the middle of Wadi el Natroun desert. It was one of the largest evangelistic events that took place in Egypt this year. It was another festival of joy and deliverance where thousands of Egyptians, mostly from nominal Christian backgrounds, met the Lord Jesus and surrendered their lives to Him.

The overall, average number of visitors who participated in the festival was approximately 31 000 from different denominations, cities, age groups and backgrounds. A total of 15 000 persons gave their lives to the Lord and more than 5 000 of them filled in follow-up cards, requesting that the organising church approach them later by invitations for future events and send them follow-up literature about growing in the faith.

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As many as 593 buses and mini-buses as well as almost 1 500 private cars transported the participants back and forth for the three days from cities all around Wadi el Natroun, twice a day. Not a single traffic accident incident was reported, which the organising team considered gracious protection from above.

One pastor from the church leadership team said: “It was amazing to stand and watch what God was doing. After every single performance or activity, we extended a call for those who wanted to give their lives to Jesus, and each time about 60 to 100 people prayed and committed their lives to the Lord. What a great joy to have seen so many conversions.”

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One Comment

  1. The Lord is moving. Hallelujah

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