Thousands saved, healing miracles at Mulamula

This elderly man accepted Jesus with great emotion.

[notice]Crusade report by Evangelist Tamryn Klinworth[/notice]

Our hearts are rejoicing! What wonders my team and I witnessed in Mulamula, Limpopo, from August 17 to 23, 2015. Thousands and thousands of precious villagers flooded the crusade field each evening for seven glorious days, most walking kilometres to reach it.

Our Lord poured Himself out upon them, showing that He is indeed the God who saves, the God who heals and the God who delivers. A marvellous total of 12 425 precious souls accepted the Lord during the crusade itself and our pre-crusade outreaches. A decision card having been completed for each one, they will now be followed up by the local pastors and drawn into various congregations. Hallelujah! Be blessed by these miracle testimonies that follow.

From crutches to no crutches, this precious mama was among those completely healed.

An elderly lady jabbered her story with happy eagerness. Arriving at the crusade using a pair of crutches for support, the Lord healed her completely. Having broken her leg in an accident at the beginning of this year, the limb had not set properly, rendering her unable to walk without assistance. At our crusade, all that changed. She is now free from all pain and fully mobile. Hallelujah! Basani (33) had broken her leg in May of this year and such had not set properly. She relied on a crutch to walk. On the Thursday night of our crusade, she experienced the power of God – and complete restoration. Running up and down, she showed off her newfound mobility to all.

Another fantastic testimony was that of a certain lady who was completely delivered from the effects of a stroke. Her entire right side had been limp and quite useless. Holding a microphone with her right hand, she told the story, likewise marching up and down to show how perfectly her right leg now cooperated with the left. The walker she used, lay forgotten.

Judith (32), came to the crusade relying heavily on the crutch she had used for the past 10 years. An accident involving her right ankle had resulted in numerous surgeries, none of which had been successful. On the Saturday night, as is our custom, we prayed for the baptism of the Holy Spirit. She explained how as we prayed for such, she found herself speaking in tongues for the first time as the Spirit filled her. With the infilling, came a strange sensation in her injured limb. The result? Perfect healing! Oh, how joyously she testified, running up and down the stage.

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Children listen alongside their parents and accept Jesus together with them.

Nyanisi (85) had been blind for two years. On the Sunday evening during our final service, Jesus not only became her Saviour but her Healer as well. “I enjoyed the message, especially the part about Jesus being able to take away my sins,” she expressed. “Before tonight, I could not walk alone, but during the prayer, my eyes opened. I was amazed because I could see properly. I am so excited, so happy. I thank God!”


  1. Assie Van der Westhuizen

    Glory be to God!!!!

  2. Shout halleluiah to the Lord of lords. Keep up the good work servants of the MOST HIGH GOD

  3. Indeed I was there… Mulamula for Jesus