Time for Church in SA to take bold step of faith into prophetic destiny — Vuyokazi Matu

This photograph from the Soweto uprising of June 16 1976 features in a prophetic vision shared by Vuyokazi Matu, who says the Lord told her June 16 2020 will mark a new kind of celebration for SA.

The Lord is calling on the Church in South Africa to arise and take a bold  step of faith into her prophetic destiny, says Vuyokazi Matu founder of Voice of Africa Global Media in a prophetic word released on Tuesday (May 12).

God is calling SA His “Kingdom economics powerhouse” and says the nation is “delivered from the crippling spirit of poverty, idolatry, disobedience and misalignment with Israel”.

She says God says it is time for SA to “rise up, stand up straight, lead and be healed.” It is time to move from “junk status” to “jump status”.

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Turning to Africa, she says it is time for the continent’s longstanding “bad report” of hunger, poverty, hopelessness, political unrest and oppression to end.

At this time the Church in SA is being called to take position and be obedient to the leading of the Holy Spirit — even adopting “foolishness in God” as a strategic weapon, and resisting pressure to have an answer for everything.

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“It is a time to release a sound of Joy and celebration as South Africa shifts to her divine prophetic destiny!!” Matu says in her word.

She says that while God was speaking to her, she also had visions from the era of SA’s struggle against apartheid.

She saw the iconic June 16 1976 photograph of schoolboy Hector Pieterson who was shot and killed during the Soweto uprising.

“I was struck by the fact that I am receiving this picture of Hector Pieterson today, 12 May 2020 and discovering that Sam Nzima, the brilliant South African photojournalist who took this award-winning image also DIED ON this day. Born on 8 August 1934 : He died on 12 May 2018

“Then the Lord said that he is restoring and CHANGING THE IMAGE. June 16, 2020, there will be a NEW IMAGE in South Africa.
The Lord said, ‘JUNE 16, 2020, will mark a new kind of celebration!!”

She says her attention was also turned to Lillian Ngoyi who lead the August 9 1956 march of approximately 20 000 women to the Union Buildings in Pretoria to petition against the country’s oppressive pass laws. She was prompted to send a message to 13 SA women that the Lord brought to her mind.

You can download the full prophetic word here.


  1. Mapuleng Mpumlwana

    Thank you so much servant of God we receive- will continue to stand in the gap
    May God continue to reveal His wonders, miracles, breakthroughs etc in our beloved country South Africa

  2. I love Gateway and hold in high regard every piece that is shared here.
    I clicked on this story because I was drawn by the ‘prophetic destiny’ headline.
    But when I clicked into the story, I have to say, I struggled to read the entire story because of the image.
    I hear you Vuyo about what God has laid on your heart to share. I feel though that perhaps we should be led into this new image with new images.
    The image of Hector Peterson is heartwrenching and will forever be.
    While we honour him and every young person who lived through this period of the 1976 uprising I feel if we are to see God’s image of where He’s taking us we have to see that image and perhaps not this one of Hector that brings up so much hurt.
    As I said because of this image I was unable to finish reading the article because, instead of feeling hope all I felt was inner turmoil.
    Your article is beautiful, but for me, I felt the image clouded the message and I couldn’t fully receive what you wanted to share because the image was too daunting.
    I hope you hear my heart and know all I say is in love because I want to receive this message, I do receive it. But I wonder if maybe someone else might also miss the message because the image blocks us from receiving it.
    Just a thought.

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