To march or not to march — extracts from my prayer journal

prayer journal

Adele ChristianAdele Christian shares notes from her  journal over the past week as she wrestled for a biblical response to the question ‘to march or not to march?’

7th April 2017 – To march or not to march?
Do I march on Friday 7th? Is it the right thing to do? Will I be safe? What good will it do?

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Last Sunday’s message, “Our beloved country cries, what are we to do?”, by Pastor Gareth Stead’s, was stirring.

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Why are we, as a country, in this situation again?
What has the LORD have to say about it?
What am I going to do about it?

1 Samuel 8 v 20 – do not be like the elders of Israel who were looking for someone else to fight their battles for them. We need community led solutions. Do not be a victim. Do not give power to someone else, to a few. Leaders and laws cannot solve the problems of the heart.

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Here we go again. How then shall I live?

We need prayer AND action.
Our prayers should be looking for answers.
Our action should be peaceful.
The Protestant church name came from Christians in the 16th century protesting against what they believed was wrong.
We need to protest against unlawful and unjust behavior.
Stand-up against corruption, wherever you are.
Stand-up for what is right.
Whatever you do, keep your eyes on Jesus, He is still on the throne.

Ok. I am in! I will march.

What will I personally be protesting against?
I am not saying #Zuma must fall.
I am protesting against those who have the power and the authority and the position to deal with the corrupt and to stop the corruption and have not done so. If they had done what was right a while back, we would not need to protest today.

WhatsApp message received at 07:44 on the morning of the march.
About the petitions this Friday… Angus Buchan. “I believe our most powerful weapon against corruption we find when we go into our War Room and lay our petitions before our Father in heaven. Philippians 4 :6. His mighty hand is powerful and He raises up rulers and brings them down. As Christians we are not called to block highways and cause disruption. Let’s be law-abiding citizens and honour our God. Make your voice be heard before God. He says he will hear us when we humble ourselves before Him.”

Yikes! What now LORD. I was all set to go and march.

Do you want me to just prayer or to pray and act?
Matthew 10 v 16 “Behold I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, therefore be wise as serpents and as harmless as doves.” Go out to do what? Only evangelise?
LORD, does Your word teach us to go and protest against corruption and injustice?
What all is covered by “the kingdom of heaven is at hand?”

How then shall I live?

Romans 12 v 9 “..abhor what is evil “ How do I practically abhor?
Romans 12 v 17 “Repay no evil with evil” Got it.
Romans 12 v 18 “If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men.” The march will be peaceful, if it was up to me.
Romans 12 v 21 “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good”. I feel as if our country is being overcome by evil. How do I not be overcome by this? How to I overcome this evil with good?

Ok. I think it is ok to march.

Romans 13 v 1 “Be subject to governing authorities ……”
Romans 13 v 2 “whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God”

O dear. Will I be resisting authority by marching?
Section 17 of the Constitution states – Assembly, demonstration, picket and petition.- Everyone has the right, peacefully and unarmed, to assemble, to demonstrate, to picket and to present petitions.

So it is a GO!

The Prayer
Isaiah 32 v.7 ‘Also the schemes of the schemer are evil; He devises wicked plans to destroy the poor with lying words, even when the needy speaks justice.’  Father God, so much has been said leading up to the cabinet reshuffle and so much is being said now. I have no idea what the truth is or who the physical schemer is behind what is going on in RSA.  However, I do know who You are!  You know the beginning from the end. No one can out scheme You. Your plans will not be thwarted. So, we rest in You. We choose to walk in peace, to live at the behest of our King and to pray for those in earthly authority. I pray that all the new and reshuffled Cabinet ministers will reconsider their pledge to their new office and work in a way that they will never be ashamed of if revealed and in a way that is good for RSA and all our people, not just a few.  Please give them wisdom to understand the long-term implications of their decisions. I pray this in Jesus name.

The Action
It was great to be amongst my fellow South Africans, to see the unity amongst the crowd and not to see any political t-shirts or slogans. Singing our National anthem with thousands of others brought me to tears. It felt like the 2010 and the soccer world cup all over again, believing anything is possible.

Viva  South Africa, Viva.

via south africa



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