Top TV already broadcasting porn: churches launch boycott action

Defending family, faith and freedom

I have been reliably informed that Top TV – renamed StarSat is already broadcasting two hard-core pornographic channels in SA and have every intention of launching the rest publically on December 1.

A source previously high up in Top TV informed me that Top TV executives were already receiving pornographic channels in their homes. The latest information appears to confirm this claim.

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Family Policy Institute (FPI) in partnership with several major Christian Denominations in SA will intensify the nationwide boycott of Top TV/StarSat with immediate effect.

Christian consumers must lead this noble battle against corporate greed. Please urge your family, friends, colleagues and congregations to urgently cancel subscriptions with Top TV/StarSat.

FPI will issue a statement to the media today informing Top TV/StarSat of the nationwide boycott including any retail partners who stock and sell decoders that provide pornography.

Top TV/StarSat callously chose to launch their three hard-core pornographic channels on SA TV right in the middle of the “16 Days of Activism Against Violence Against Women and Children.”

This appalling act demonstrates Top TV/StarSat’s attitude to the spiralling rates of sexual crimes against vulnerable women and children. Research consistently shows that regular porn consumption lead to addictions and often fuels sexual crimes against women and children.

You and I and every decent SA citizen must take a bold and uncompromising stand against the flood of filth infiltrating our nation. The women and children in your family face increasing risks.

The UK and other first world nations are installing filters on the internet to block pornography. They are doing this to specifically combat the high rates of sexual crimes against, and amongst children.

Tragically, South Africa appears to be heading in the other direction! Our government is making it easier for children to be exposed to hard-core pornography on the internet and TV.

Government ministers will mount podiums around the country during the “16 Days” expressing their horror at the rampant sexual crimes against women and children in the country.

However, this same government has steadfastly refused to address the growing menace of online pornography and have even given a green light to hard-core porn on SA TV!

The Body of Christ must fight this terrible injustice and must work diligently to protect vulnerable women and children from further sexual abuse and exploitation.

Please help me get the message out! Top tv starsat must be stopped! Act now!

Pastors please encourage your congregations to stop supporting Top TV/StarSat immediately! Any Christian financially supporting this channel is contributing to pornography on SA TV.

Please use social media and any other legal methods available to spread the message. If you see TopTV/StarSat decoders at retail stores inform them you will not support their business.

Please give value to the “16 Days of Activism Against Violence Against Women & Children.” Stop Top TV/StarSat in their tracks! Access to pornography must be eradicated not made easier in SA!


Errol Naidoo
PS: “Watchmen on the Wall” on TBN Africa will feature the “Rooftop Worship Event” in Bloemfontein on Tuesday, Nov 26, at 8pm. I also speak to a former satanist about his salvation.

One Comment

  1. Dieter Hüllermeier

    God is watching and He doesn’t like what He is seeing. If we stand for righteousness and act….God will do the rest.

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