Top TV’s porn social suicide plan must be stopped!

Defending family, faith and freedom

Arlene and I and the team at Family Policy Institute wish you and your family God’s very best for the New Year. We pray you will experience His presence, guidance and provision abundantly this year.

Arlene and I just returned from Johannesburg where I preached for Pastors’ Theo and Bev Wolmarans at Christian Family Church. I used the opportunity to launch my book ‘No Compromise’ in Gauteng.

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While in Johannesburg, the news broke that Top TV applied for a license to launch three 24 hour hard-core porn channels on SA television. This is the second time the ailing pay channel has done this.

In 2011 Top TV’s license application was declined by ICASA after losing a High Court battle to launch its “adult entertainment bouquet” without the broadcasting regulator’s permission.

ODM CEO, Dino Govender was fired after the channels image was dented by this debacle.

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According to media reports, Top TV is technically bankrupt and views their foray into pornography as a  “business rescue strategy.” The management of On Digital Media’s shockingly self-serving “business survival plan” can only be regarded as a social suicide plan.

Research overwhelmingly indicates that the easy access to pornography in SA has contributed to the breakdown of families and negatively stereotypes women as sex objects.

Pornography on the Internet and on TV has also harmed children. Children exposed to porn via their cell phones has precipitated an appalling trend called “sexting” in which children as young as 10 make video clips of themselves engaged in sexual activity and share it with their friends.

As a result of exposure to porn, child-on-child sexual abuse has escalated dramatically in SA.

You and I must stop Top TV from flooding our nation with filth! South Africa already has some of the highest statistics of sexual violence against women and children in the world!

The South African public are invited to comment on Top TV’s plans to launch these pornographic channels by writing to the Independent Communications Authority of SA (ICASA) by January 18, 2013.

Please urgently write to Ndondo Dube, Broadcasting Licencing Unit, Licencing and Compliance Division at Fax 011 566 3200, or E-mail  Please write today!

I have already issued a statement to the media urging ICASA to decline Top TV’s license application in the interest of the safety and dignity of women and children.

I have also warned Top TV that should they persist with this morally reprehensible plan, FPI will launch a nationwide boycott against them, their sponsors and advertisers.

I met with the Minister of Communications, Ms Dina Pule and the Deputy Minister of Home Affairs, Ms Fatima Chohan last year in November to discuss this very threat. I appealed to them to amend legislation to prohibit sexually explicit content on SA TV to protect vulnerable women and children.

While this process is being addressed, Top TV appear to be taking advantage of the lack of broadcasting regulation. Please write today and encourage your family and friends to do the same.


  1. Thank you Errol for this initiative. It seems as if someone out there really care about us. Recently, when we spoke to about 4 000 youth at a youth conference, someone mentioned that they secretly switch on the television on at night to watch porn and then practice that what they watched. They asked to be helped with this problem and pleaded for a porn ban on TV. In a country high with HIV/AIDS it does not make any sense why porn should be protected. Are we your children, not more important? We like to support therefore this initiative to STOP porn in our country. We as the youth of SA are tired of receiving all this filth through the media! Give us stuff that will build up our moral fiber. We are sick and tired of being bombarded with condoms all the time!

  2. Charlotte Theron

    Thank you for taking a stand against rottenness that intends to destroy and kill. Let us take captive every thought that exalts itself against the knowledge of God… and our obedience complete.

  3. this is the last thing we need in our lives,
    Do not allow this devilish acts
    anywhere near our women and children.

  4. Agreed – we all have to take a stand against the moral decay of our nation and children through ruthless, money-hungry “pornographers”. Media and TV advertising in general is full of sexual innuendos, even during family time viewing and so are most of the music video channels. Anyone who believes that children will not be able to access these disgusting channels needs to open their eyes and see how technologically advanced our children are. We have a right to speak out about such abominable ideas seeing the light of day.

  5. Good day,
    Please send me the two email addresses recently issued on last week’s tbn tuesday broadcast regarding top tv’s porn application. Thank you for the inspirational stand for our communities!

  6. I heard Errol on 567 earlier and want to add my bit.

    From the time I reached puberty I, and all my peers, enjoyed pornographic material and none of us ever raped or hurt a female because our culture had taught us not to.

    Perhaps Errol Naidoo should look at the cultural aspect around rape.

    Ukuthwala is a practice that involves the abduction, rape and forced marriage of girls who are frequently under-aged but because it is a part of “the culture” authorities turn a blind eye.

    For most of the nineteenth century, Shaka, his peers and successors were responsible for a reign of terror that had repercussions all over southern and central Africa. Their major activity involved raiding surrounding tribes and seizing their women (for rape purposes) and cattle, killing any who opposed them.

    Errol’s comment about the rape of ten month old babies was misleading because this has nothing to do with porn and everything to do with virgin rape curing HIV.

    Scandinavia has always been progressive regarding porn and rape/violence against women was never a problem before the arrival of Muslim immigrants who glorify their cultural attitude to women in general and infidel women in particular. Googling “Muslim rape wave” will produce more than five million results. Rape and violence against Asian female workers in the middle east is another eye-opener.

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