Towns and cities uniting for hour of prayer for SA on February 28

Map showing locations of the first 50 regions to register for the national up4sa prayer day on Sunday, February 28.

Christian communities in towns, cities and neighbourhoods all over South Africa will unite at 2pm on Sunday, February 28, to pray for an hour into critical issues in our country as they participate in a fresh national prayer initiative called  up4sa (United Prayer for South Africa).

Robbie Black.

To date 50 communities have committed to participate says Robbie Black, National Coordinator and initiative visionary. He hopes that many more community leaders will step up and volunteer to co-ordinate a prayer point in their areas: they can do so by registering on the website at  or by emailing up4sa at Every community leader that volunteers will receive a resource pack and will be empowered to coordinate the prayer point.

Pre-recordings of 3-minute prayers on key issues by five spiritual leaders and three well-known songs by leading SA artists will be played at each prayer point to provide guidance and prepare the way for corporate prayer. The heart of the initiative is to involve as many communities as possible in acknowledging the Lord Jesus Christ as “the only answer and hope” — and to keep the initiative as simple as possible.

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Desperate feeling
Asked about the birth of the initiative, Robbie, who is a pastor in East London, says: “South Africa is such an amazing country, beautiful place, beautiful people!  Unfortunately we have influences that leave our nation in a real negative, crippled and critical state.  I think that all of us, myself included, many times ponder the fact that there must be something we can do to address the situation.  Sitting with quite a desperate feeling in my spirit about six months ago, I just sensed the precious guidance of the Holy Spirit towards the power of prayer with scriptures on prayer flowing through my mind one after the other. 

“Our Lord Jesus reminded me over the next couple of weeks that prayer is the basis to all solutions.  The scripture that spoke the clearest to me is “Let us then fearlessly and confidently and boldly draw near to the throne of grace [the throne of God’s unmerited favor to us sinners], that we may receive mercy [for our failures] and find grace to help in good times for every need [appropriate help and well-timed help, coming just when we need it]…   Hebrews 4:16 AMP.  We have to understand. Firstly, that we as Christians need to turn back to God and acknowledge that Jesus Christ is our only hope and future! We need to confess our sins done towards Him and start to follow in His footsteps. Secondly, Christianity needs to awake and realize that passivity will gain nothing. Faith without action is void!  Therefore the call is for us as Christians to rise, take a stand and unite in prayer on the 28th of February, declaring and proclaiming our faith in our Lord Jesus Christ!  On this day, we will not march to parliaments and presidents, we wil seek and bow before the King of kings and Lord of lords!”

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Robbie says that he initially felt unwilling to respond to the call he sensed to start a national prayer initiative.

‘Certain disciples’
“As the call for ‘up4sa’ came I felt inadequate, humbled and ashamed of lack of prayer in my own spiritual life.  The scripture in  Acts 9:10 came to me, (GNB)  There was A BELIEVER in Damascus named Ananias. He had a vision, in which the Lord said to him, “Ananias!” “Here I am, Lord,” he answered.  (KJV)  And there was A CERTAIN DISCIPLE at Damascus, named Ananias; and to him said the Lord in a vision, Ananias. And he said, Behold, I am here, Lord.  After reading this scripture I just realised again that the Lord calls us regardless our faults and shortcomings. He already sees us in future adventures with Him, all he needs is a ‘a believer’, ‘a certain disciple’ that says, ‘here I am, Lord!’ This is how I feel about myself and all the up4sa area coordinators, just ‘certain disciples’ being available. I started sharing the ‘up4sa’ call with some of my associate pastors and friends in other towns, sending emails and spreading the word on social networks.”

Robbie says the willingness of area coordinators “truly blesses my heart”. He urges Gateway News readers to keep the coordinators in prayer.

The five spiritual leaders whose pre-recorded prayers will be played at up4sa prayer points on February 28 are Izak Burger, Lindie Strydom, Afrika Mhlophe, Angus Buchan and Zane Meas.


Robbie says that some of the areas that will be covered in prayer are:  Moment of thanksgiving for God’s love and grace. Acknowledge that Jesus is our only hope for South Africa – we turn back to God. Government (national and local). Local and National elections 2016/2017.  Justice system. Agriculture (rain/ crops/ safety). The Church – Body of Christ.  The salvation of lost souls.  Honesty, integrity and character in business and workplaces. Prayer for the African continent.  Marriages.  Men to be good fathers, husbands and priests. The youth of our country. Education (schools and universities). Public services (Hospitals / SAPS / Traffic Departments, etc.)  SA to be a God fearing nation.  Peace in our country. Unity.  Forgiveness.  Outpouring of the love of God in our hearts. Crime.  Deliverance from spiritual bondages and strongholds. Mothers of our nation. Orphans and the destitute. Immorality.  Poverty.  Substance abuse, physical abuse and emotional abuse.

He says: “The call is still for ministers, intercessors and community leaders to register a prayer point in their community. Community members can volunteer as committee members at the different registered prayer points. Community members can help us to spread the word, mobilising as many Christians as possible to attend up4sa on 28th February. Please share and like the up4sa Facebook page ( ) and posts.”


  1. This is fantastic. We draw near to God and He draws near to us. His heart is so turned toward us. He will answer with His great love and lead and guide us by His Holy Spirit.
    We are poised for a great awakening.

  2. If my people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I turn from Heaven, forgive their sin and heal their land! 2 Chron 7:14. It gives me joy in my heart that we as a nation will be doing this.

  3. A great and comprehensive initiative. May I suggest that we pray for God’s Mercy on our drought-stricken country, pleading for rain? And especially pray for farmers and food security.

  4. Great! But once-off is not the answer. This should continue and grow with Praying groups all over the country, till the Lord is revealed mightily in our midst. Let each of us start with ourselves first. Don’t organise, let the Holy Spirit guide. Thanks.

  5. Glory to God this is the Only Answer prayer snd more prayer thank God

  6. Pieter has a very good point; once off is not the answer. I agree, it is essential that we start off with ourselves, with immediate effect and allow the HOLY Spirit to guide us. Not detracting from the initial initiative, but revealing to GOD our Father, that we are genuine and willing to “run the race” as the Apostle Paul himself encourages. If every born again believer in this country were to fall down on their knees, in obedience to the Spirit, before the LORD God, this country could change overnight!

  7. Thank you for this initiative, it is wonderful to see how our God is stirring this Nation to pray. Different persons, bodies, leaders are calling us to prayer at different times but each time it is like another wave of prayer, drawing us together and bringing us to our knees.The Lord is hearing the prayers of His people may we continue to grab hold of every opportunity to take hands across our precious country.

  8. Corporate and ardent prayers of obedience availeth much in the Eyes of God, and will be answered by Him as He sees fit. May South Africans of all races get involved in these much needed prayers of repentance and submission.God bless South Africa and its peoples.

  9. In Springbok, Namaqualand, we wll DV have an open-air, interdenominational childrens meeting where we will, by means of bigscreen and loudspeakers join in the prayers of those who have been pre-recorded. God is moving by His Spirit, moving all over SA

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