Revival fire was spread from school to school in the Eastern Cape on Friday (June 14) when a team from Uitenhage went to minister at a school in Alexandria.
Principal of Alexandria Christian Academy (ACA), Gretel Olivier, who invited the team from Fountain Of Life Christian School, which is experiencing revival, said the power of the Holy Spirit was “really tangible” during the ministry which made a great impact on learners and staff.
The team from Uitenhage included 10 learners and six adults, including staff members from Fountain of Life and Pastors Monto and Claudia van der Merwe from Spirit Life Church, Uitenhage.

“Many ACA students were baptised with the Holy Spirit, with the evidence of speaking in tongues. And so many were ministered to, and experienced His [God’s] love in a deep and powerful way. It was awesome to behold,” said Desiree Joubert, principal of Fountain of Life.
“I stand amazed at God’s goodness, and His heart to revive His body….. and He wants to do it through the children!” she said.
Olivier said staff and learners at ACA were bowled over by the confidence with which the Fountain Of Life students testified about what has happened in their lives and how it has helped in their schoolwork.
She said a Fountain of Life learner prayed with a woman who is working at ACA as a result of a community service sentence. The student told the woman she could see a vision of doors closing behind her. But there was one door that was open and Jesus was standing in the doorway but she was running away from Him. The woman began crying and the learner led her in accepting Jesus as her Saviour and making a commitment to follow Him.

It was wonderful to see the community service worker turning to Jesus, unlike others before her who completed their time at the school and left unchanged, said Olivier.
She said staff members who experienced the power of the Holy Spirit during the ministry said afterwards that they never thought it would happen to them, and that they will never look back.
But there were a few staff members and learners who had questions about the events of Friday. They would address those questions, with the help of the school pastor, during the week.
Olivier said she decided to invite Fountain of Life to come and ignite revival at ACA after she heard Joubert telling a recent regional meeting of ACE schools about what God was doing at her school. Olivier said it made her realise that the diet of Bible verses and Bible knowledge that was being served to her learners was not enough to transform their lives. It needed to be complemented by a personal experience of the Holy Spirit.
Wow!! The Spirit of the days of Pecost is moving again hallejuah!! May you please provide me with the cell no of the pastor or church plz!
Joel 2:28 in action!!
Praise God!