UK ‘Trojan Horse’ schools inquiry sounds warning of sharia plan says expert

Chief inspector of schools for England, Sir Michael Wilshaw. (PHOTO: PA)
Chief inspector of schools for England, Sir Michael Wilshaw. (PHOTO: PA)

By Dan Wooding – Originally published in Assist News

In the wake of the so-called “Trojan Horse” inquiry into Islamic extremism in schools in Birmingham, England’s second largest city, Sharia expert, Sam Solomon, co-founder of UK-based Christian Concern, says that the investigation by Ofsted [the UK Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills], who report directly to the British Parliament], rings a “warning bell” about the strategic aim that drives Islam – the imposition of sharia throughout British society.

Sam Solomon lectures on Islamic affairs to international audiences and is an adviser to governments including American, British, and European politicians. He converted to Christianity after reading the New Testament.
According to a story from Christian Concern, in a detailed analysis of the lessons to be learned from the alleged “plot” to apply sharia law in Birmingham schools, Solomon warns that Britain must safeguard its value system against an on-going plan by Islamists to subjugate the British way of life to sharia.

He writes that “we cannot allow a dual-system to prevail – legal, political, economic – which discriminates and subjugates one to another” and urges UK authorities to gain a better understanding of the real intentions that lie behind “the socio-political ideology that is Islam.”

Solomon has written several books which he believes will help people understand Islam, including “Al-Hijra: The Islamic Doctrine of Immigration: Accepting freedom or imposing Islam?” and “A Proposed Charter of Muslim Understanding.” Earlier this year, the British Government launched a public consultation on its proposals to introduce a sharia-complaint finance scheme for Muslim students.

Britain’s Daily Express, in an investigation into the so-called “Trojan Horse” plot in some Birmingham schools, claimed that Muslim-only trips to Saudi Arabia paid for with public funds and broadcasts of the call to prayer were revealed in reports into Islamist infiltration of schools. The paper also stated that a visiting preacher allegedly said: “Give victory to all the Mujahideen all over the world. Oh Allah, prepare us for the jihad.” It also claimed that inspectors found that girls and boys had been segregated and heard that Christmas trees and celebrations were stopped while Muslim festivals went ahead. “The shocking examples were cited by Ofsted and Education Funding Agency inspectors following investigations into Birmingham’s ‘Trojan Horse’ schools,” added the story.

Culture of fear and intimidation
Chief inspector of schools for England Sir Michael Wilshaw said “a culture of fear and intimidation has taken grip,” and head teachers had been “marginalized or forced out of their jobs” in an “organised campaign to target certain schools.” Britain’s Daily Mirror has just released another disturbing story, this one about young British Muslims now fighting with ISIS in Syria. According to its story, “A shocking video nasty appeared online today showing armed British fanatics preaching terror and trying to promote jihad to Muslim worshippers back in the UK. “The men urged would-be fighters to quit western lifestyles and join ISIS – the fastest-growing militant group in the world.”

A clip from the video

The Daily Mirror said that the 13 minutes of footage – uploaded to YouTube, and since removed by the video sharing website “as a violation of YouTube’s policy on violence” – emerged as sources revealed the main priority for MI5 is tracking down the British jihadists. “The film, professionally shot and edited, shows men sitting before the black Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham flag,” said the newspaper. “They are holding AK47 rifles and reciting Islamist slogans and passages from the Koran. One man, Abu Bara Al Hindi, insists joining the group will cure the stress and “depression” of living in the West. He claims to be British and says in an English accent: “Are you willing to sacrifice the job you’ve got, the big car you’ve got, the family you have?

“Are you willing to sacrifice this, for the sake of Allah?

“Then if you sacrifice something for Allah, Allah will give you 700 times more than this.”

Another militant says: “You are going to die anyway.”

Click to join movement

And one brags about the “honor and happiness” of joining jihad, adding: “Soon we will go Iraq, Jordan, and Lebanon. We recognize no borders.”


  1. Hugh G Wetmore

    Scary stuff this, and we dare not take Islamic strategies lying down. But God has not given us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline. Let the Church move forward in this triple-armour, espeially into the schools and among young people!

  2. Margaret Ferguson

    I am a retired teacher from the UK and my comment is that as a country the UK and UK government has only itself to blame.They took Christianity out of the schools and that allowed the devil to have a field day – left a vacuum so that the Islamic culture has moved in. Life does not exist in a vacuum and by saying that no religion will be taught they have left the door open to the devil’s schemes. Let us hope that the British Christians will pray and now stand up and be counted when it comes to education in UK.