Umbilical cord of evil breaking over SA — Naomi Sheneberger

God is calling on intercessors who know His ways to arise in South Africa at this time in which He is bringing in His Kingdom order and powers of evil are losing their grip on the nation, says prophetess Naomi Sheneberger in a word released on Tuesday.

The full word reads:


19th July 2022

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As I was praying for South Africa I saw a cord losing its connection. I sensed the Lord speaking to me concerning the spiritual state of South Africa!

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The STRONGMAN over South Africa is losing its grip!


I am about to make a public spectacle of your enemies South Africa!

I am about to open the flood gates of heaven over your nations, so that My ALIGNMENT and ORDER for the nations of Africa can be ushered in.

I say to My Bride,

“ SEE I am about to usher in My Kingdom PLAN

My Kingdom WILL



My Kingdom LEADERSHIP over South Aftica!”

You shall witness and hear of confusion in the camps of the enemy. This is because I am bringing My ORDER into the GOVERNANCE of South Africa! My Kingdom WAYS are confusion and frustration to the enemy!!’

The political uproar is a manifestation of the spirit of frustration and panic and fear. The enemies time is over!

Your prayers are frustrating the enemy and its strategies are failing because I am disrupting the spiderweb of communication networks amongst all who are against My Kingdom.

These threats you are hearing are like the threats of Goliath. ONLY THREATS!

My hand of ORDER is being ushered in, for the things that must be shaken must be shaken!

South Africa I am severing you from an umbilical cord of evil! Raise up Intercessors for THIS assignment!

The enemies RESOURCES that have fuelled the agenda of darkness are drying up.

The enemy has been working behind the scenes and resourcing it’s INSIDE forces from the outside.

CUT THIS UMBILICAL CORD and SEVER it completely with WISDOM in prayer!

My Word is like a two edged sword!

The enemy has attempted resourcing its agenda from every side but has not prevailed because of your prayers.

Your prayers have sabotaged the plans of an overthrowing of My Kingdom plan for South Africa.

Raise up the spiritual snipers of Intercessors who use My WISDOM to CUT OFF the head (authority/ head office) of the enemy (spiritual strongman).

Do not be discouraged by what you see but STAND upon what you KNOW of Me and what I have PROMISED you.

This is as I said,

“Nation shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom but it is My Kingdom that is to prevail!”


Vengeance is Mine and My RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUSTICE shall rule over your nation.

Get into your POSITIONS!

I am setting you up to a higher vantage point!

I am raising up warriors who know My heart and ways like David.

Do not become weary in this hour, STAY STRONG and fixated upon Me and not the threats of the enemy.

Do not heed to the voices of the false teachers and false prophets.

Now is the hour of DISCERNMENT and not the hour for panic, impatience, frustration and weariness!

I am taking you up the mountain and you will need STAMINA.

Do not waste your strength over minor matters.

I urge you to DRINK from My living waters and not the toxic waters of media, voices of idol threats and intimidation.

Declare My VICTORY.

SOUND THE ALARM for I am bringing JUSTICE to your land.

FREEDOM to My people and My Kingdom plans shall be ushered in through you!

I say to you again, it will be those who WAIT UPON THE LORD-that shall RISE UP as on eagles’ wings. They will run and not grow weary. They shall walk and not faint.


Scriptures He gave me:

Psalm 22:28

For the KINGDOM is the Lord’s

And He rules over the nations.

Genesis 11:8

So the Lord scattered them abroad from there over the face of the whole earth; and they stopped building the city.

Psalm 66:7

“He rules by His might forever;

His eyes keep watch on the nations;

LET NOT the rebellious exalt themselves. Selah.”

Naomi Sheneberger

19 July 2022

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One Comment

  1. Excellent word of encouragement

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