WATCH: Video of the week: April 10, 2015 — Crisscrossed

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The mission continues

Originally published in Charisma News

One thousand, eight hundred forty-two clusters of crosses were scattered across the highway system more than a decade ago after a singular man’s prophetic vision.

It was so fascinating that CBS Sunday Morning sent a reporter to interview former oil millionaire Bernard Coffindaffer, who paid for each cross out of pocket, much to the dismay of his family.

He lost all his money following the Holy Spirit.

“He said, ‘I want you to put up crosses,'” Coffindaffer said of the Spirit. “I am a country boy unknown to anybody chosen to head a major, major operation.”

But the piece never aired. Twelve years later, the Sunday broadcast show is revisiting the piece.

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Watch the video to see why.

One Comment

  1. God will Grace those like these who respond to His call to serve as watchmen on the wall.
    God bless.
    Peter Throp (Value Life.)