WATCH: Angus Buchan shares ‘revival train’ vision

Angus Buchan shares about ‘the revivial train’ (PHOTO: video screenshot).

Farmer-evangelist Angus Buchan says God has spoken to his heart about a “revival train” that will travel from Cape Town to Musina saturating the nation with the Gospel.

Watch the video below in which he shares the vision and urges South African Christians to pray about it.

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  1. I love your presence….

  2. We would love to join the Revival train.

  3. Merle Davies Lategan

    When is the Revival Train planned to depart? How do I go about booking
    What will it cost per person

  4. When will it happen, how do I book and what is the cost?

  5. Jannie Grundling

    We would love to be part of Revival train
    Need to know how to join…costs and when please

  6. A train has two engines. It can go back and forward. God can go back and heal the past and God go before us and makes a path. Jesus you are our savior our driver. Holy spirit you are the coals burning and we should be the smoke of insensce/wierook. Passengers don’t do anything when the train leaves because God did everything. Rest at His feet. Love you guys!

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