WATCH: Che Ahn has encouraging words for SA

Che Ahn and Lisa Becker at ACTS Church, Midrand last weekend.

“There is a promise of increase of revival over South Africa” — these powerful words were spoken over SA by Che Ahn at Acts Church in Midrand, Gauteng at the weekend.

The leader of Harvest International Ministry, an apostolic network of churches in over 60 nations, was in the country to teach on — and release — the power of God.

Che said that South Africa is one of the hotspots where people are falling in love with Jesus; it’s a place where revival is happening.

He added that the harvest is among the poor and that we should be encouraged to go after them to share the Gospel, baptise them, clothe them, father and mother them and above all share the love of Jesus with them. These are the components of revival.

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Gateway News columnist Marian Fitz-Gibbon and Lisa Becker who has recently returned to SA “for the revival” after several years in the US attended different meetings in Gauteng and both left with great expectations about what God is doing and is about to do in SA.

Watch the encouraging video below in which they share on nuggets of faith and hope from Che’s ministry at the weekend.

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