WATCH: Election fast called from April 18 to May 8 — Episode 1

SA Back to God has called a 21-day national Election Fast from April 18 to election day, May 8. In the first of a weekly series of articles leading up to the start of the fast Janet Brann-Hollis explains what will happen when people unite in fasting and the purpose of fasting. And in the video clip at the bottom of the page, she introduces the fasting campaign, Together We Are Crossing Over.

On New Year’s Day God spoke to Janet Brann Hollis, as she was observing the proceedings taking place on Clifton Beach, Cape Town. Many in the Kingdom of God would view this as just a small lamb being slaughtered, but what we fail to recognise is that this was a blood sacrifice altar, that was being established on the land.

These sacrifices are taking place all over the nation and the blood of these altars is crying out for vengeance and for war. Therefore, in the midst of this altar activity, South Africa has reached a decisive tipping point between, being handed over to:

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• Marxism, fascism, witchcraft, or alternatively
• a wave of God’s glory covering the nation, whereby:
• resurrection life will permeate all sectors of our society

Raise up an altar
This is a call to fast, to raise up personal altars. Altars over your home, workplace, your church and your city.
Altars that will cry out for the reconciling and cleansing blood of Jesus. SA Back To God, is calling every home, marriage, church, community, to raise up a fasting altar for our nation during this election season.

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SA must decide
Scripture says: Ask of me and I will give you the nations…. We must ask for Kingdom possession of our own country. A possession by the Ekklesia of this nation, a possession that will dispossess the satanic agents of darkness.

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South Africa must follow the path of repentance and rededication, one of holiness and fasting. As we do embark on this path, we will experience the following:

• SA will become aligned to Kingdom purposes.
• A new order of Governance will be released.
• Seasons will shift to move our nation into a new political era
• The atmosphere will shift so that where darkness has prevailed, light and life will now blanket this nation.

It is biblical that nations experience seasons of fasting:
Esther called the nation to fast for the purpose of Israel’s deliverance
Ezra called a fast for the economy –- For gold and silver and for the safety of future generations
The Battle of Dunkirk is an example when Allied forces were losing against Hitler. The British Army, outmanoeuvred and unprepared, along with soldiers of other Allied nations, found themselves with backs to the sea and hemmed in by enemies. God turned enemies against themselves, and the battle was won by the English believers gathering to pray….

The responsibility falls on the Church, the Ekklesia of this nation, for the “new thing” that God is wanting to release in South Africa. Truly our status and our recognition within the global community will change if we are prepared to raise up an altar of fasting and prayer.


In the next episode I will share on what are we fasting for?

Correction: The reference to Camps Bay in the video should be to Clifton Beach.

See more info about the Election Fast on the SA Back to God website.


  1. It’s time that the Body of Christ come in Unity Nationally to fast and pray and see this time of our Country cituation as critical!!

  2. Resurrection tide is a feast. I’ll engage from 21 April.

  3. Heeeelpus HOLY SPIRIT, SA back to God Almighty El Elohim El Elton Jehovah Mikkadesh Ebenezer IJMNAME WE PRAY AAAMENI

  4. Amen. I was waiting for this call.
    We shall join the FAST AND PRAYER in unity.

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