WATCH: Free programme addresses global ‘crisis’ of untrained pastors

More than 90% of evangelical pastors in the world do not have a formal qualification, says Dr Reuben van Rensburg, the director of Re-Forma, a programme that was developed “to address this crisis” by providing a global standard for non-formal ministry training.

“We asked experts from around the world: ‘What does a pastor need to be able to know, do and be?’ and the answers led to the development of 35 outcomes. “Students who can demonstrate these outcomes earn a certificate underwritten by the World Evangelical Alliance.

“Already 842 groups have enrolled in 69 countries and the programme, which is free, is available in 21 languages. There is also an online version [see] for individual students,” said the former principal of the SA Theological Seminary (SATS).

Watch the video below in which Van Rensburg explains Re-Forma.

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One Comment

  1. Margaret Ferguson

    Having listened to the video, I have a great concern with regard to what the Evangelical Alliance include as ‘competencies’ . They have a very limited concept on effectiveness in a pastor and merely illustrate that the students have acquired some head knowledge they may not have had before. The 2 issues of concern are:
    1) the influence and awareness of the Holy Spirit in their lives. Without the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit, they are purely acting in the flesh and with fleshly knowledge only.
    2) pastors not having either an ordinary degree or a masters degree presumably in theology. Many pastors have studied for 3 years in a seminary and gained a Diploma but not a degree and in some respects may be more practically equipped to be pastors than having an academic degree. That would be particularly so if they have the awareness of the Holy Spirit in their lives . The Holy Spirit can lead us into all knowledge.
    We are in the days when the church is coming under serious attack and my view is that this very inadequate ‘qualification’ could well do more damage to the true church. The true church is NOT an institution, but needs to be a living entity functioning under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. But too often that important point is missed. Pentecost was a real event and showed the importance of the Holy Spirit in a Christian life. It should take us beyond our personal salvation that can come through evangelism, to understand and operate in the unity of the Holy Spirit in our corporate salvation as the ‘holy nation’ ( Peter speaks of it in 1 Peter), and comprises an essential understanding and functioning by pastors to prepare the church for Christ’s return .