WATCH: It’s Time — It’s in Pretoria on October 27!

Standing in a field of cattle, Angus Buchan announces the date and venue of the next It’s Time prayer gathering. (SCROLL DOWN TO VIEW VIDEO OF ANNOUNCEMENT).

“It’s going to be in Tshwane / Pretoria. It’s going to be on the 27th of October. And it’s going to be a Watch And Pray meeting,” said a pumped-up Angus Buchan in a special video announcement early this evening.

Answering the questions that have been on many people’s minds since he announced last week that the Lord had laid it on his heart to call another It’s Time prayer meeting, the farmer-evangelist said God has given him the Scripture Mark 14:38 “Watch and pray lest you fall into temptation. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.” for the Pretoria gathering.

“We need to start walking in the Spirit, we need to start seeing those things which the Lord has shown us — The things that we can only see through faith, and not through carnal, fleshly eyes,” he exhorted.

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“Some of us are caught up with fear and uncertainty for the future. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. — Hebrews 13:8

He said he was trusting to see a bigger crowd than the approximately a million people from all over South Africa who gathered to pray on an open field in Bloemfontein at the first It’s Time prayer day on April 22 last year. The second It’s Time was at Mitchells Plain, Cape Town on March 24 this year.

“There is no cost involved. We’ve already got the place — we will let you know shortly, we’ve got 1 000 hectares of mowed land waiting for this event. Please, I really believe that this is a crucial meeting regarding the way forward for our beloved South Africa,” he said, urging people of all races, sexes and ages to attend.

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“In John 16:33 Jesus says: ‘These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.’ “

He said that as God’s people — followers of Jesus Christ — those present would humble themselves and pray together.

“May God bless you and I’ll see you there,” he concluded.

Latest developments on the event will be posted on


  1. I also want uncle Angus to come to my farm for prayer ?I hope one day It’s Time gathering will be hosted in my field ?I wish and I trust God it will happen.Cant wait Pta is blessed

  2. Cant wait to be there

  3. Looking forward to the event

  4. Delighted Fire academy kzn
    Prayer meeting Margate beach

  5. Gerhard Labuschagne

    Ons kan wag nie… dis waar, nie deur krag of geweld nie MAAR deur SY GEES.

  6. Wonderful! May God bless this event and all organisers involved!

  7. “It’s time”… Oh I can’t wait

  8. It’s Time for each and every child of God to wear a piece of candle 24/7, whatever the circumstances or wherever we go. It’s Time to light our candles and ask for God’s light over South Africa. Our country is dark. Satan’s principalities must be destroyed. We cannot allow politics and all its associations, money markets an all the emotions that rule it, steal our time with God. We need to burn our candles to ignite the Spirit in our own souls and chase all demons under the feet of Jesus.

  9. Going to be there

  10. The way in the truth is the situation and the circumstance which God determines and if we believe this we will be there to hear what God wants us to know?❤️✝️

  11. Regrettably we missed the first near Bloem (groot mistake) but thankfully flew down to Mitchell’s P for the second (baie mooi move) and now can’t wag vir die derde in the heart of ZA, pragtige Pretoria. Jeff & Ang (Hillcrest, DBN).

  12. Hi does we know where about in PTA it will be held

  13. Was in Bloem awesome gewees

  14. Nondumiso Dlamini


  15. Where is it in Pretoria?

  16. Any news on where it is?

  17. Nataleigh Jansin van Rensburg

    I am there !!!

  18. We will be there, and our family and friends, not a prayer meeting to mis, be Blessed Pretoria, we are just waiting to hear where it will be

  19. I will be there!

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