WATCH: The purpose and power of fasting — Episode 4

The fourth weekly article and video clip (see at bottom of page) by Janet Brann-Hollis of SA Back To God, leading up to the 21-day national Election Fast from April 18 to election day, May 8.

It has been such a privilege to guide you, the readers, through the preparation phases of our “Join the Fast” – Elections 2019 campaign. Here is a resume of this week’s video clip.

Fasting is not:
1. outward dos and dont’s
2. dieting for image purposes

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Principles of fasting:
1. Sacrifice
2. Self denial of flesh

Benefits of fasting:
1. The spirit is aligned/sensitive to God
2. Hear God’s voice more clearly
3. Breakthrough — the heavens open over our lives

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Type of fasts:
Water – Jesus – Matthew 4:2-4
Daniel – ate no pleasant things – Daniel 1:8
Dry fast – Saul on the road to Damascus, his name was changed to Paul. God gave him a new identity – Acts 9:9

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Strongholds broken – Isaiah 58:6-8
1. Personally and corporately, we come into alignment with God’s plan
2. South Africa prepares to walk in her mandate

Natural preparation – Mt. 6:33
1. Begin to prepare the heart
2. Ask God what to sacrifice
3. Prepare your body, don’t do anything drastic that will shock your body
4. Wean yourself off any fleshly lusts

God is raising up a remnant to take SA back to its God-given mandate and purpose. Be part of that remnant and we will witness the glory of God in our nation. “Together we are crossing over” – a fresh new season awaits.

See more info about the Election Fast on the SA Back to God website.

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