WATCH: Video of the Week: June 26, 2015 — Charleston shooter hears from victims’ families


[notice]In Video of the Week we post a weekly video clip to inspire, inform, edify or entertain. Readers are welcome to email suggested clips of the week to[/notice]

Originally posted in Charisma News

One by one, they speak.  

One by one, the families of those murdered address the accused. 

One by one, with voices choked with tears, they tell him exactly what’s on their hearts. 

Three words that will forever change the lives of those involved and then some.

Watch this powerful video to see what they said. 

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  1. thank you fo
    r arranging this video clip. Deeply moving.

  2. Allan Verreynne

    Very powerful & profound statements motivated by the love of Christ! Wow! He who has ears, let him hear!