WATCH: Video of the Week: May 28, 2015 — God miraculously delivers woman from rare “suicide disease”

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Originally published in Charisma News

“Out of nowhere, I had like this lightning bolt of piercing, burning pain. It was the most excruciating pain I’d ever felt in my life.”

And so begins the testimony of Chris, a woman who suffered a rare disease that’s so painful, most people eventually kill themselves. 

When a local pastor hosted a woman with the gift of healing, Chris’ husband encouraged her to go up for prayer. 

What happened next seems straight out of the Bible. Check it out. 

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One Comment

  1. I can empathize with this poor woman and her AWESOME healing! I suffered for years from MN – Migrainous Nuralgia. At the time I didn’t want to know God – I was in a very bad place – but HE healed me anyway – through a Ugandan doctor. I have been forever grateful – THANK YOU ONCE AGAIN LORD!!!! You are forever AWESOME and I LOVE YOU!!!