WATCH: Video Of The Week (March 31, 2016): ‘Praying’ pooch goes viral


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Originally published on Christian Today

And they say animals don’t go to heaven!

A video that shows a puppy bowing to pray before tucking into his dinner has gone viral with more than 88 000 views on YouTube and thousands of likes on Instagram.

The clip was posted by owner Chris Credendino and shows Kahlua, an 11-week-old yellow Labrador, pausing to pray before his meal.

“Let’s pray,” Credendino, from Atlanta, Georgia, says in the clip after placing the food in front of Kahlua.

The obedient Lab lies down and bows his head for the thanksgiving.

“Lord we ask that you bless this food and nurture it to our bodies,” Credendino prays.

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“We are very grateful and appreciative for everything we have. Thank you Lord for everything. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.”

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