Wave upon wave of salvation moving across SA

One of 11 evangelism crusades that have taken place in different areas of Alexandra, near Johanneburg, this year as part of the WOWZA evangelism campaign which is sweeping across South Africa

South Africa is at a pivotal point in its history with the vast majority of believers sensing a divine urgency to intensify their efforts in their respective fields of responsibility, said evangelist Tamryn Klintworth, whose In His Name Ministries is spearheading a massive, national evangelism push this year.

She said that for In His Name, that field of responsibility is crusade evangelism. “The Lord vividly impressed on me the visual of wave on wave of salvation, healing, deliverance, and revival moving across South Africa, impacting each province in its entirety. Hence, WOWZA was born, an acronym for Wave On Wave South Africa.”

Through WOWZA In His Name, in partnership with evangelists across South Africa, aims to hold 50 crusades in 2024, especially in needy urban and rural communities plagued with crime, immorality, gang violence, witchcraft and ancestral worship.

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A WOWZA crusade in Western Cape fishing village, Hawston

By the end of April tens of thousands of South Africans had heard the Gospel during 19 WOWZA crusade events on fields, in tents and in halls across the nation. Eleven of the crusades were in Alexandra Township near Johannesburg and others were held in the Western Cape, Northern Cape, Free State and North West.

Each crusade involves multiple churches with believers being equipped for soul winning. Intense street evangelism and school evangelism have also been taking place in the run up to each crusade.

To date, testimonies abound of large numbers of people coming to Jesus – including gangsters and sangomas. Many mighty healing miracles have also been recorded at crusades, and believers have been fired-up for soul winning, said Tamryn.

Evangelist Tamryn Klintworth, front centre, a team ministering at a WOZA crusade in Alexandra

She said the big evangelism thrust is not just for 2024. “As the Lord provides, WOWZA will continue year after year, winning South Africa for Jesus.”

In His Name Ministries was launched in SA in 2008. In 2017 they began conducting crusades in Ethiopia as well as in SA. They have established a permanent presence in Ethiopia. Asked what is happening in Ethiopia now with the ministry’s focus on WOZA, Tamryn said: “In His Name continues to be on the move in Ethiopia. While our South Africa team was focused on WOW ALEX for the first few months of this year, our Ethiopian team held four crusades in remote villages that are too dangerous for foreigners to visit, due to civil unrest.

“Thousands were saved and believers equipped for evangelism. While we will still hold three large crusades in Ethiopia this year, our local team will continue with these smaller but exceedingly impactful outreaches.”

In His Name crusade in Ethiopia in March

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