We are two years old today!

The new Gateway News mobi interface, making it easier for you to read your news on the hop.

Gateway News turns two today. Thank you Lord for keeping us going and growing through this time and for sustaining our appetite for the “impossible”.

Thank you too to every person and organisation who has supported us with prayers, encouragement, news, writing, admin assistance, talent, wisdom, advertising support and donations. We really do need every bit of help that we can get, so please contact me if you want to partner with us in any way.

We currently reach 12 000 plus readers each month. By faith we expect to reach thousands more readers within the next few months and we are holding on to our vision of reaching every Christian in South Africa with news that builds faith in Jesus and promotes a Biblical worldview. Some of my more faith-filled brothers and sisters are already saying “Why stop at every Christian in South Africa?”. I like that attitude!

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Mobi version
I am delighted to report that we have just launched (with the help of generous sponsorship from the Association of Christian Media) a mobi version of Gateway News. We trust that this will make Gateway News much more accessible to mobile readers and will take Christian news to many more people, especially with anticipated rapid growth in the smartphone market. We will shortly be launching a mobi app as well.

We are also looking at further creative ways to reach many more readers. If you are in a position to communicate with a large group of people who might appreciate receiving Christian news, won’t you ask them if they would like to subscribe to our newsletter? Then let’s talk — we have various ways to quickly sign up willing subscribers.

On the content side, we feel very blessed to have the support of a team of anointed, talented columnists who write insightfully on a wide range of themes. We are currently exploring the launch of a new monthly column that will provide a prophetic perspective on current events. But our biggest current thrust is to find more voluntary news reporters in every part of South Africa to assist our present, small, dedicated team to expand and improve news coverage.

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HostiIe territory
Inevitably, as we do our best to share news and views that promote a Biblical worldview we enter into hostile territory where Biblical perspectives that we consider to be light to our paths may be seen by some as hateful, divisive, inconvenient, out-of-bounds, or ridiculous. And as we have already seen with issues like homosexuality and Israel, and even fine points of theology, it is not only unbelievers who may be offended but fellow Christ followers. May we — and every believer who aims to be salt and light in a decaying world — remember that our enemy is not people but evil spiritual beings. And that the Truth is not an argument but the person of Jesus Christ. Despite any worldview differences, may we as Christians be united in Christ through whom we have all been graciously adopted into the amazing family of God, and in the Holy Spirit who helps us to abide in Christ. May we be faithful carriers of the Good News that is for the joy of all people!


  1. Dieter Hüllermeier

    Congratulations Andre & Team you guys are doing great. Continue for Jesus,
    Be bold and don’t let anybody gag you. God bless, Dieter

  2. Keep your eyes on the prize.

  3. Congratulations! May God expand your territory in the years to come – Isaiah 54:2,3. It has been inspiring and uplifting writing for you, for God’s glory.Keep shining for our Saviour, Jesus Christ!

  4. Rev Ian Karshagen

    To God be all the glory!

  5. Congratulations! You are doing a great job.

  6. WELL DONE Andre for enduring and persevering under trial; you are an inspiration ! And Happy 2nd Birthday Gateway News :-) Your coverage and editorials always have something of interest. Keep going in Jesus’ strength and may your vision become reality soon ! – Very much looking forward to the planned prophetic column – esp pertaining to RSA !
    Blessings and shalom !

  7. Congratulations! You are doing a great job through a great medium for a great Master!

  8. Thank you everybody for your encouraging words.

  9. Thank you for this Ministry! To all, let’s pray for the shield of Faith & the Sword of the Spirit.

  10. We really appreciate Gateway News and pray it will go from strength to strength.
    Barry and Peta-Ann

  11. Dear Andre & Team
    Congrats on 2 years of ministry & praying for the next 20 years

  12. colin dickinson

    Very exciting in N Africa

  13. An amazing ministry Andre. Thanks to you and your team for keeping us informed.

  14. I would like to congratulate you and your team on the good work you do by proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ through Gateway News. Your magazine is also a network field, where through believers who share the same vision, connect with each other. I have first hand experience of that.

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